Chapter 8 -Page 37-Attrition
Sabrina is the wildcard in this war of attrition, but that doesn’t really give her a leg up especially if she insists on playing the power/technique game with legit shooters like Camille (who won a silver medal in Olympic wrestling) or Brenda who’s the record holder for the longest reign as Rival Angels champion.
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My two opponents are locked in a test of strength. Both are significantly more powerful than me. I should
A) Take the opportunity to slip away and allow them to wear each other down.
2) Kick both their heads off.
Pie) Join the test of strength because I am a massive blonde doofus.
it’s THOR! vs the Hulk! vs… Captain America?”
Captain Marvel, even! Captain America is pretty cool.
I was just looking at it in terms of raw strength. Carol Danvers captain marvel isn’t that much below thor/hulk levels (or shazam DC version would be equal) original kree captain mar-vell would work though I guess. but Cap, not so much. it’d be like when he went against thanos- Cap’s straining like crazy and thanos is mildly confused as to whether he’s being attacked or not.
Your Cap reasoning is solid. Well said.
Sabrina has a weakness to pie…
Sabrina is a pie.
Something tells me that Sabrina should take a lesson from Sun’s fight and think smarter in this test of strength. Right ?
Totally right. Sabrina should know better that she can’t hope to overpower either Camille or Brenda.
Show boating can hurt. I’ve won several massive group fights because I just waited it out. Snow Kitten
And you’ve won several by just being you. 😀