Chapter 12-Page-4-MMA Academy
The MMA Academy! Led by Mercy Morrison (ranked 9th in the Bantamweight Division) and her teammates at the Academy, Michelle Blacqwater, Holly Harrington and Miriam Hardy. You can get all of the details here on how this all started:
Voting Incentive!
Most of them are ready to go. Can you spot the ones that might not be so sure? Vote to see what’s coming up next!
Sabrina is an all rounder,
Sabrina can be quarterback, and catcher, she can also kick…
I see Sabrina tossing the ball to Sun as rush off with light speed.. for a touchdown…
Main problem is Brooke?
will she cooperate,
shes an important factor.. Linebacker..
she got power? but do she got speed?
Sabrina was a very talented rugby player and we know Sun has speed so they’d be pretty dangerous on the pitch. Brooke could be an adequate blocker. More often than not running interference with speedsters is enough, but who knows what will happen once they start playing and then there’s the other team to consider.
I don’t have a good feeling about this. The other side’s got size, strength, speed, and coordinated colors.
Oh and they all have both hands.
In my (admittedly limited) understanding of Throwball, the throwerback only needs the one, right?
I am amused by her characterisation of herself as “QB1”, though. How much of a depth chart do you need with a four-girl team?
Callie, you having limitations is a default setting, isn’t it?
And with this bunch of egoists, I can guarantee a pecking order needs to be established… this is gonna be painful to watch.
Ooh, Becca’s found this place. The penitentiary system must’ve finally taken it off the no list.
The one thing that evens them out is that the motivation/interest is about the same as the Upstarts. Some want to be there and some can’t wait for the final gun.
Is Holly Harrington related to the yet-to-be-born Honor Harrington?
Holly would say she’s better. XD
Holly would be waaay wrong.
Dogma reference?
π Indeed.
Love the roller coaster comment.
Brooke can bring it when she’s sufficiently prepared. π
Yep, this game is going to be FUN. Let hope the girls can become a witty quck football team and fast during game time. π
Besides, sometimes the positionsmwemplay aren’t the positions that we need to play, right ?
I think you’re going to like how this plays out. π
Our gals do have some disadvantages, like Krystin’s hand or Brooke’s lack of decent hands. But, they can have teamwork when they want to. I’m wondering how much teamwork the MMA girls have had.
Krystin’s having mixed success keeping the Upstarts on the same page. Mercy may have similar, better, or worse success riding the Academy girls.
I will totally QB if Brooke is hiking me the ball. Just saying.
But… but… I hear you’re wide ended rear back. Or something like that… Come to think of it, that might not have been football either…
I’m not sure anything gets done with Brooke playing Center. π
What’s with Krystin all of a sudden? ever since Sabrina came back, it’s like Krystin has this chip on her shoulder. I can see them losing because of Krystin’s ego
Absolutely! Krystin felt like TOP DOG while Sabrina was gone. She had the TV title, she probably felt like she was on top of the world. Sabrina comes back and that gets all KINDS of shaken up. She’s put out of commission and her title is (albiet temporarily) given to someone else, guaranteeing that the moment she is in fighting shape she’s fighting to take it back. She didn’t even LOSE a match, but effectively lost the belt!
I think Hannah nailed it. π Of course, how does that affect Krystin going forward?
Looks like or team has some major issues. Like Brooks lack of catching skill, and Kristin’s bad hand and even worse ego. I mean who made her the team leader?
Krystin has a long list she can share ANYONE that questions why she’s the leader.
Wrestlers vs MMA fighters… this isn’t going to stay non-contact for long
Count on it.
So how do you play this silly game without the line of enormous people in the middle anyway?
They’re Americans, so I’d imagine it involves playing for about ten seconds, then stopping for a quick rest and a snack.
You’re going to make them go ten seconds at a time? Harsh!