Here is a WORK-IN-PROGRESS pieces I’ve been working on. Over on the Rival Angels Patreon page, $10+ supporters are entered into a monthly raffle (higher tiers have more chances of winning) for an original piece of art and Mayyday won April’s raffle. He chose that I do a picture of his OC Lissandra, the world champion of the LWA.
If you have any questions, I’m sure he’ll be happy to answer. 🙂
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Payback PPV
I have to say that the Roman/AJ match was pretty baller, despite all of the false finishes. And while I appreciate them getting AJ over, it’s a pipe dream to think he’ll win the title any time soon.
Sami and KO was pretty epic too. I was sad at the finish, but glad to see that the feud still continues. The only thing worse then seeing Sami or Becky lose is to not see them at all.
I’m hoping Enzo is okay. It really didn’t look like he jacked himself up, but I’m thinking a concussion.
Charlotte vs Natalya with Ric and Bret V2.0. Second version played like the first, but without the post-match respect and admiration. Charlotte will be hanging on to the belt until at least Summerslam so any matches in the meantime won’t mean much, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be entertaining. At least, that’s what I’m hoping for.
Raffles are good.
TRUTH, especially mine. XD
Especially with Irish butter and real maple syrup!
I think by the end of the night, they confirmed that Enzo had suffered a concussion, but I think that’s about it. With how things are now, they’ll probably have him take a month or two off just to be safe.
Zayn vs Owens was a great match. I think JBL said it best (God, I never thought I’d say that phrase in my life) when he said “Somebody call the cops because these boys just stole the show!” That being said, I could have done without Owens on commentary. People love his “I’m an asshole and I deserve everything” gimmick, and he plays it spectacularly, but a little of that goes a long way with me.
I think we’re going to hear a lot of people say that the Reigns vs AJ match was a lot better than it had any right to be. Lets face it, when Reigns is in a match, people are ready to pick it apart with surgical instruments, and even I have a criticism or two about the guy (his list of moves could stand to be a little longer), but damn if that match wasn’t great. AJ performed at the phenomenal level we all know he’s capable of, and Reigns had his spots where he looked impressive too. Always enjoy when he does that running dive to the outside, doesn’t even touch the top rope.
Charlotte vs Nattie… woo boy… where to start with that one. I mean, you start out the match and lets face it, these gals burned the house down. The action was incredible and it really helped start off the rebirth of the Women’s Title with a hell of a match…. and then you get the finish. “Hey, lets re-enact the one of the parts in WWE history where fans were ready to burn the company down with Vince inside… with Bret Hart at ringside!” I’m wondering where they’re going to be going with this one. I’m just a bit sad that they’re starting off the Women’s Title with a JBL reign, where the champ pretty much only keeps the belt through DQ losses and outside interference.
You know, I was so happy with how the Nattie/Charlotte match went that the ending just really took me out of it. Also, I want a gif of the Hitman ‘cheering’ Nattie on. XD It was exactly how he did it when they fought for the NXT belt. XD
AJ was freakishly good. He looked crisp and confident. Roman was good too, and I agree with that crazy clearance over the top rope.
Hey I know her!
She’s kind of a badass. I know Kim knows her too. XD