A fun commission that I did from Anime Midwest featuring FAWN’s Ivy Armstrong against Ultragirl! Sabrina’s in a bad situation, specifically an Abdominal Stretch against the southern girl. Can she recover, or will Ivy run away with the match? Your guess is as good as mine! XD

that looks very uncomfortable but at least one can get out of it.
>Sabrina:Over the shoulder hiptoss!
Or stomp on the bare foot.
Hey bossman, Ivy’s thigh looks a little off and her right hand is little small. Brina looks great… though not having fun.
Ivy is STUPID for wrestling barefooted. All Sabrina needs to do is stomp on her foot then hip toss. lol
A number of talented folks have wrestled without boots, but not sure how many wrestle in their nighties.
‘Brina’s done. Give it to the Southern Gal.
Sabrina’s definitely not looking like she’s having much fun! Still.. abdominal stretches hurt but not THAT much. Even I don’t tap out to those and I’m nowhere near Sabrina-tough. I’m sure she’ll manage to work out foot-stomping or a hip-toss or something.
And in the meantime everyone can check out her awesome abs. Win win win!
nah, even if she gets out, I’ve seen Ivy enough to know that she’s gonna have Sabrina on her back, and be able to victory pose over her.