Rival Angels vs Botched Spot by James Hornsby
‘Heels should have beards, dammit!’
James does TWO wrestling webcomics, Botched Spot and Over Like Olav (and did some stuff for the fine folks at Wrestleicious!) and I’m thrilled that he took the time to do a crossover with Sun and Sabrina! Ah, you have to admire Olav’s heel sensibilities. lol
I know some of you already are aware of James’s great work and now the rest of you do too. And as you may know, I love a crossover. XD The characters are awesome at Over like Olav and the humor of Botched Spot is more fun than the actual wrestling feds.
… nnngggghhh. Must… resist… following more… webcomics… Must… not… click on link… want…. to have life… nnnnggggghhhh…
Ah yes, what butt kicking was made for X3
Botched Angels? This is awesome! (clap, clap, clapclapclap)
LOL – great now I have another webcomic to follow thanks Botched Spot heehe
James is magical like that. XD
Botched Spot and Rival Angels need to do another cross over. This is hilarious.