Voting Incentive and the other Presidential ticket
Check out the new Buzzcomix Voting Incentive to a wonderful image by Salvador Raga . Just like Jamie (who’s Schoolgirl picture you can still see with the TWC voting button) you get to see a non-upstart girl.
I know this Presidential election is a time for great change and optimism and there are some that don’t believe that all. What we can agree on is that there could’ve been another great ticket, a bipartisan one, one that we could’ve all got behind. I present the short youtube clip below to show you what I mean.
Thank YOU!!!… THANK YOU!! The “Latina Chick” Loretta Diaz is Back!! at the voting incentives… Awesome..
hope to see “Latina Chick” Loretta Diaz again in action…
ah? who”s that Dean?
Glad you like the Voting Incentive, Sal will be happy.
Howard Dean was a 2004 US presidential candidate who got buried with that ‘Dean Scream’ of his, that can be seen in the youtube video. By the way, I still laugh my ass off at this thing.