Chapter 02-Page 19-Onomatopoeia
Not a lot of words, but I had a lot of fun with onomatopoeia. I hope you like the page! It was a bear to do, but it was a lot of fun.
In case you missed, I launched the Rival Angels Kickstarter for the second half of Season 2 on Monday and today we’re over 57% of goal! Season 2, Book 2 will collect the last 9 Chapters of season 2, clocking in around 240 full color pages. I’m super thrilled with the progress and not only hope that we’ll hit goal, but some of those Stretch Goals. Whether you want to get the latest book for your collection, or this is your first plunge into Rival Angels merch, take a look! You just might find something for you. Last time we hit 200% of goal!
This weekend, March 11-13, I’ll be a guest of Anime Milwaukee! It’s in my hometown and it’s a show that gets bigger and better every year. Come see me in Artist Alley and say HI! I’ll also have books, posters (Deadpool, anyone?) as well as commissions.
But that’s not all! I’ll be doing panels with Trevor Mueller and Russell Lissau and here are our panels in Room 201CD:
6:00-7:00: Exhibit at Con’s
8:00-9:00: Ideas Into Comics
2:30-3:30: Breaking Into Comics

Credit WWE
Becky and Sasha continue to light the way for the Diva’s division but Tamina and Naomi were good as well, Charlotte’s hater-ade not withstanding. The drawback is that the division is Charlotte, Becky and Sasha, with the rest after thoughts. I think there was one slight miscue when Becky tossed Tamina to the outside and Tamina hit the ropes weird. How do you goof up throwing someone outside? Seriously, is that Becky or Tamina’s goof?
Summer Rae…can we call it a winning streak? Granted this win could be kindly to Brie considered a cheap win, but I’m okay with giving it to Summer. Brie and Summer were solid, though that rollup by Summer was as crisp as rotten fruit, but a cool match. Still not sure what’s up with Lana, though the Nose Job finisher was pretty cool. I guess that’s what’s going on at WrestleMania?
It’s hard to get excited about Dean Ambrose vs. Triple H because there’s no way that Ambrose wins. And that part where Triple H squared off with Bray, I bet they were trying to recreate that moment when the Wyatt’s first squared off against the Shield. No, Triple H, you are not that cool. Ugh.
Jericho turning on AJ was meh. I mean, I guess it’ll be a great Wrestlemania match but it was a little sloppy in how we got there. Maybe the Bullet Club shows up?
One thing I definitely was happy about was Sami Zayne! I like him a lot, but like Becky, I have a feeling being a fan is going to be painful.
I’m with the crowd here. YAY!!!!
I can see all the planning and work on this page. It comes out very striking and exciting!
It was way fun to do, but way long too. I would definitely try something like that again. XD
Great action! Love the art for this match. It looks very dynamic. The pace and the ferocity of the match really come through.
Glad you like and glad that all came through. I was worried using SFX over Dawn and Jeff but I think it turned out nicely.
I feel like a lot of announcer-chatter would have made it seem slower-paced than it currently does.
I agree!
Get her, Snowy! Send Sun back down to developmental!
I think we’re stuck with her. XD
Well, Snowy will have to bodyslam Sun through the center of the Earth then 😉
That would be one heck of a slam. !!!
Very nicely done
Thank you kindly. 🙂
Some great chain wrestling here by these two. Sun, we’re used to seeing using striking and high flying skills, and Snow, she’s not afraid to get a little tricky when the time came. It’s cool to see them taking it to the mat and holding their own.
I didn’t want to say it monday and disrupt your kickstarter advertisement, but I just think this would be a good place to bring it up, since we all share the same interest. And that is that the wrestling world lost a true legend on the third of March, when Eiji “Hayabusa” Ezaki passed away at the age of 47 from a subarachnoid hemorrhage. He was always a thrill to watch and was greatly beloved by Japanese wrestling fans throughout the 90s and changed the wrestling world, innovating such moves as the Falcon Arrow and the Phoenix Splash. He served as an inspiration for many of today’s wrestling stars and will be greatly missed by the fans. A highlight video of some of his greatest in-ring moments, for those interested.
Sun and Snow brought their A+-game for this one. You know they’ll do what they do best but they wanted to see what the other was made of.
It was super sad to hear about Hayabusa passing away. He’d had an especially tough time of it, but I heard that he was regaining his mobility again. Sweet video.
Sometimes actions speak louder than words and this case is no exception. These two are fighting an even match up.
My hope is Sun has a few tricks with her to take her opponent off guard long enough to pin her down.
Both ladies have tricks they like to use, so it’ll be the first one to use them with the maximum amount of efficiency.
I like the chain wrestling exchanges that pop up at the start of some matches where both people are supposed to be technically sound (ok the kane/big show was classic due to funny factor). especially if the heel proclaims themselves to be the best at it, then the face outwrestles them and the heel just loses it and goes into brawling mode because he was being shown up at his/her “expertise”
I am a bit surprised that during all this brina hasn’t sprinted around the ring to try and take a swing at da ex-champ while no one was looking given her brina smash mode a few minutes earlier.
I would hope she knows better than that. Now Sun would try that for sure lol
well you know how brina is once her temper kicks in. we wouldn’t have a “brina smash” meme without it 😉
Yes you have a point there. But wouldn’t that be like Ambrose picking on Lesner. Not saying I’m that bad ass. Well.. yeah actually I guess I am 😀
Yep, that’s how it usually goes! Though, I was channeling some RVD vs Jeff Hardy with this one. 😉
Sabrina’s not above going around the side to pick a fight, but I can’t imagine the scenario in which that would happen. The face side runs strong with her. She’s like Luke when he joined the Dark Side in Dark Empire. He was there, but he wasn’t really ‘bad.’
I love the sound effects 🙂
thanks!! I thought it was a nice switch from Dawn and Jeff calling the action. 🙂
Very new manga. 🙂
yay! Especially with me guesting at an Anime show this weekend. 😀
Wow, I’m going to an anime convention this weekend as well. Naka-Con. Are you an exhibitor?
A solid opening sequence by both competitors. *Joins in applause*
The ladies like their high flying to rival a 70’s Kung Fu movie, but they also know how to bring the tech wrestling too.
I’ve taught Snow everything she knows, except for the hair balls. And you think Sun’s mist is bad!
Oy, to the hairballs. Messier than Mist!!!
Outstanding panels: love the action of both Snow & Sun :D.
Thank you! there’s more where that came from.
Defiantly a catchers catch can kind of match up between Sun and Snow.
Unless ether sting, or roman reigns shows up and puts the screws to triple h I don’t see Ambrose winning ether. Making it a pretty cheap set up for Triple h to retain a already cheaply won title. As or his face off with Bray it just seems like more much to do about nothing. Could have set him and his clan of hillbilly in some good rivalry’s with Randy Orton, Brock, Lesner, But they drop them before anything happens, and they can’t even get a title run. Leaving me to wonder why there still there in the first place.
Sting showing up would be amazing, but I think his days are over, thanks to Seth Rollins.
Ambrose was in this position last year, when he fought Roman for the WM spot, but like this weekend, he’s just a placeholder. More’s the pity!!
I think the Wyatt’s could be amazing. They just need to get some decent booking and some time. Bray’s got all the mic skills they could ever want.
Lets see if this works
All right I got my stuff remembered again so I can post. Sorry about not getting to do it this morning. Good stuff you got going there Albone, keep it up. To bad you don’t have room for all of the clips I would be saying and singing out there.
Ugh, I do that way more than I care to admit….having to remember the different login/PW combinations. Glad you made it back!
Just the very thought of drawing a page with 12 panels makes me break out in a cold sweat. 😀
Nicely done, and the sound effects are great, of course.
Thanks! My wife was like, ‘what are you thinking,’ with the 12 panel page, but it was fun. Crazy work, but fun. XD
Nice to see the Lil’ Dragon can work on her feet. Ugh, hated learning the arm drag. So hated it. One of the first things you learn but so much of it is timing.
Starting bumping is in general, a pain. I would guess Hindu Squats are up there too. XD
Hindu squats are the beginning of everything.
Arm drags are just variations of sacrifice throws, the sutemi waza. You should not be taking big bumps from it. Learn how to fall first?