Chapter 02-Page 27-Calling It
Did what just happened really happen? Ultra dragon no more?
Thanks to everyone for your support. With over a few days left, let’s see if we can’t hit some of these Stretch Goals!
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Credit WWE
So that was interesting. A good follow up to Wrestlemania, which you probably know by now, I wasn’t too thrilled with. I approve of bringing up all of the NXT talent, but I worry because only a few of them have been able to make the transition. For every Kevin Owens, we have an Ascension, Tyler Breeze, Emma and Adam Rose. Still, I’m optimistic that I’ll be delighted and really, that’s all we can hope for.
Enzo and Cass vs The Dudley’s looks good. I’m looking forward to that. I’m in a holding pattern on Apollo and Baron, mostly because it’s NXT guys on the main roster.
Summer vs Sasha
These two feuded before in NXT right? They were part of a stable with Charlotte….BFF’s, Beautiful Fierce Females or something? I know I can look it up, but I’m looking at this as less reporting and having a conversation with you. XD Anywho, good match and I would be fine if they extended this into a proper feud.
Charlotte with her Dad was a big yawn. Seriously, I fast forwarded through big swaths of this. I’m not high on the woman anyways and with her program with Sasha and Becky over, I can’t say that I’m looking forward to her upcoming appearances.
Eh, NO Dean?
Cesaro’s back!!! AJ’s the #1 contender! Sami being taken out of the 4-way. :/ 2 out of 3 is pretty cool.
Secret lockbox that Shane had? *sigh*
I’ll consider this still a very good RAW.
Uh oh. Brina might be looking to make the noble sacrifice here. Question is, how much of her ass is the big boss gonna take as payment.
The After-Mania Raw is always a good one. I think it’s because so many stories and feuds come to a close on the big stage, this is where we get a whole batch of new ones. Like the first episode of a new season of our favorite show.
The NXT Call-ups, I’m looking forward to. Apollo Crews is just good enough at everything that he can really go far. Can hit the power moves that Vince likes, is agile as hell, which the crowds like, is an Indy darling, which the Smarks like, and is just fun to watch all around. Baron Corbin, they’re going to have to tone down his “I’m just a jerk” gimmick, since Kevin Owens has that in a stranglehold, but with guys like Kane and Big Show reaching the end of their careers, the position of “Monster Heel” is his to take. Enzo and Cass, smart getting them with the Dudleys first because the Dudleys are great veterans who will be able to work with them in-match and really help introduce them to the Main Roster. Not to mention any time Smacktalker Skywalker has his Micsaber, it’s gold.
Awesome to see Cesaro back and damn did he look impressive (Then again, when doesn’t he?) If they’re doing what I think they’re doing and trying to set him in a feud with KO, that can only result in great matches.
The big head scratcher for me is… Are we seeing a Face turn from the Wyatts? As “King” Wade Barrett gets Brogue Kicked back down to “slightly better than jobber” status, The Wyatts come down and do something we’ve not seen ever… they put a beatdown on a group of Heels. Up until now, it’s been one unsuccessful attempt to “Dismantle the heroes of the WWE” after another, so what would make them target the League of Nations? Only time will tell.
Sabrina’s argument will have to be persuasive to convince Gabrielle otherwise. Think she’s got it in her?
RE: Wyatts….that is a weird one. LoN get done beating down Barrett (whose rumored to be on the way out) a very heel move, but then the Wyatts, heels, beat them down. Maybe it’s just Heel vs Heel?
It was great seeing Cesaro, but I was praying that he wouldn’t get hurt. He looks a little smaller, but that’s not a bad thing.
Thrilled by most of NXT callups especially Enzo and Cass. I think you’re right about Bayley and Finn being able to come up on their own.
Well, *she* certainly left in a hurry. Afraid you’ll change your mind, Brina?
She’s afraid that if she thinks too long, she’ll start crying like a 10 year old with a skinned knee.
I suspect this wasn’t cleared with the top floor. And no way Yvonne could smooth the way for this. I see a big brick wall down the road for these two. But on the other hand they’re finishing each other’s sentences. And that always bodes well 😀
Finishing each other sentences…
And they are not sisters… so
how long till they are sharing a bed? 🙂
I DO have a scene in mind like that….!
I ship them…. forever and ever! 😛
*cant wait to see that scene!*
I want to do it so bad. As of now, it’s off the table, but I’m struggling to get back in. 😉
I think you’re right with the brick wall metaphor. Our protagonists need obstacles to challenge them. This is no different.
I think Sabrina needs some down time.
She definitely does. Maybe Gabrielle will give her some.
Well, don’t see how she’s gonna do it. But weirder stuff has been done in the ring.
Sabrina will do it like she does everything else. 😉
Maybe Sabrina’s going upstairs to apologise for being such a stroppy cow with Gabrielle before?
I think the plan is to start with that.
After-Mania Raws are always a mixed bag. On the one hand, you’ve got an engaged, passionate crowd that for the most part likes what I like. On the other hand, some of their chants can be cringeworthy, (or in the case of the “You suck Cena/Brian” chants directed at the Bellas, overtly misogynistic.)
As to the actual slow, there was a lot that made the terrible booking of Mania even more bizarre. If you’re going to make AJ Roman’s first opponent, why did Jericho beat him at Mania?
Ryder losing the belt after a day seems like another kick in the bollocks, but if it leads to an actual angle with Ryder as the focus, it might be a good thing. I do worry about it turning into “couple vs couple”, though, because Emma has really been killing it as a heel in NXT.
Zayn getting “hurt” probably means he’s in a program now with Owens, so that’s positive.
AJ is the perfect person to put with Roman right now.
Crews can go far, but he really needs a personality transplant, stat.
Corbin has a shot, but let’s see how he does without NXT’s best workers carrying him.
Enzo killed it on the mic. The little talker/big bodyguard combo is a classic pairing.
I am far less optimistic about the Vaudevillains. I can’t at all see that gimmick making it on the main roster.
I forgot about the Vaudevillains! I like them, and I hope they can shoot some life into the tag team division. I was going to say that their gimmick wouldn’t get them to the tag titles, and then I remembered some of the teams they’ve hung those titles on. :/
Not sure what’s up with the post-Mania crowd other than they think it’s open season to get themselves over. Though, they did seem to be less abrasive and obnoxious this time out not counting the heat for Roman.
I hope this isn’t AJ’s de-push with Roman, i.e. getting fed to him. Otherwise, they could have some killer matches. Maybe Bullet Club time?
I think Emma was puffed up in NXT, just to get taken out by Asuka. I may be jaded as I’ve never been a huge fan of Kana. I’ve seen her and Tennile a lot in person at SHIMMER and I’ll take Emma any day.
I agree across the board with you.
I have no business feeling optimistic about Sami, but I do. If he’s attached to Owens, so much the better.
There’s a few useful guidelines you should be aware of, Sabrina.
Cooldown Rule – when you suffer a frustrating or disheartening setback, you need to wait at least three days before making a big decision about your direction. You might be doing something you’ll regret when your head clears.
Team Rule – when you’re considering making big changes to a team, talk to your teammates, and allow them to answer. Make sure you’re both on the same page. And when you’re part of a larger group, like Damage, Inc., make sure to talk any changes you want to make over with the leader. Even if you have no intention of being obedient, it’s useful to know where you stand in the big picture and how your decision is going to impact everybody else. Maybe there’s a role for you in a bigger plan that you’re about to upset.
Also, I really doubt whatever you just came up with is going to improve anything.
I get the feeling that well-thought-out, considered action is not your best virtue, Sabrina…
I get the feeling that well-thought-out, considered action is not your best virtue, Sabrina…
Some of us have been saying that for awhile now :p
So basically… she is Wolverine without the healing factor and claws…
LOL! That’s a good way to put it.
Sabrina needs to have a talk, with ANYONE first.
But it’s Callie responsible for the wet wolverine fur smell
That’s not Newcastle? XD
The beer or the city?
…actually they both smell the same, now I think.
Sabrina should stop and let Sun get a word in before making a major decision like this one.
I mean it’s a noble sacrifice, but let your teammate speak before you do it. 🙁
Sabrina’s all GO, GO, GO and Sun’s still wondering what’s happening.
Strange how she did that. isn’t the first rule to talk it over?
It does make sense that they be independent fighters because team work takes more than be two great fighters.
Sabrina’s distraught and frustrated and has an IMMEDIATE need to try and make it right.
Hmmmm, I think Krystin tried something like that…
Sabrina is losing perspective here…
Nothing says they can’t negotiate going back to single competition AFTER having the Tag Belts… and that would be a stronger position for them to negotiate too.
Losing perspective and a whole lot of leverage. You need to have a talk with her…gah, she’s already gone!
so somehow I think brina’s plan is going to turn into a 3 on 1 handicap gauntlet match against Brenda and the catgirls… plans aren’t her strong suit after all.
as for summer/sasha- from what read (don’t have network so no nxt for me unless I try to find it online later) never actually feuded but they split up when summer got called up to the main roster.
was a bit surprised at who got called up unless they figured post mania was the best time for the “lesser lights” to come up and save bayley, samoa joe and balor/bulletproof balor club for later since they can stand alone as the big deal call up for a show. didn’t really know much about anyone of the ones they called up and was a bit surprised for Enzo to get Road Dogged for his singalong time on his promo. also took me a bit to figure out what the deal was with SAWFT- thought it actually stood for something and not them misspelling soft.
was happy to see cesaro back and then immediately started worrying because 1) would they job him out on his return which would suck or 2) would they have him win only to be fed to roman which would also suck. fortunately they went Austin Aries on me and went with option C and had AJ pin Jericho. granted he’ll be fed to roman (was actually thinking they’d go with Jericho since Reigns is still technically a face and since his multiple returns Y2J hasn’t met a loss he wasn’t fine with) instead or maybe this is what they will use to turn Roman heel finally?
charlotte seem to get a bit flustered during all the chants during her promo but I think naitch being there helped her get through it. nice to see nattie get a shot at the title since it breaks up all the usual suspects. becky has had several chances now and sasha’s undefeated streak can’t be in the title hunt until they’re ready for her to win the belt so having her as the #1 contender either means the new women’s champ had a 1 month run or an undefeated streak is broken losing a title match. would mean more to keep it intact as the champ.
i’m thinking summerslam to give charlotte a lengthy run before losing to sasha. then bayley debuts after sasha breaks heel promo rule #1 and talks about how “there’s no one in the division that can beat me I beat them all!” (cue bayley’s music and a quick “i beat you for the nxt title and now i’ll beat you for the women’s title.”)
then asuka kills them all…
meanwhile becky is in a corner crying about they always skip her when it comes to winning the belt.
Sabrina challenging Brenda and the Catgirls? I could see it, but would Gabrielle go for it?
I think we need to get you the Network or Hulu. XD NXT is probably the best thing about the Network. The PPV’s are icing on the cake.
I think Summer and Charlotte had the feud then in NXT, I think for control of the Beautiful Fierce Females. Maybe. I dunno.
Your idea for Charlotte, the belt and SummerSlam is great, except we’d have to wait that long for her to drop the title.
I think Callie mentioned on Monday that someone somewhere mentioned the irony of Charlotte winning the Women’s Belt with the help of a man. I dismissed this as trolly logic! Then I see a ring full of women, honoring their work and the new belt…along with Ric Flair. :/ GAH!
Poor Becky. I knew this was her fate, but hoped for better. Now I know better. 😛
Where is Damage Inc. Anyways? Even with Kyla’s injury, you would expect one of them to be in their dressing room. This all doesn’t happen if ANY member of Damage Inc. is in the room. I’m still a bit surprised that they didn’t interfere in the last match.
Regardless of Sabrina, I expect Gabrielle to come down on Yvonne if Sabrina makes it to Gabrielle This is exactly the situation that Yvonne was supposed to stop. Heck, Yvonne will wonder why Sun didn’t calm Sabrina down.
Welcome to locker room management 101 “Herding cats in a nutshell”
Yvonne is with Gabrielle, trying to raise ‘concerns’ to this #1 Contender’s match next week.
Krya is on her phone LOL”ing over the twitter trolls commenting about Sabrina. True story.
Sun better catch up with Sabrina in a hurry before she does something stupid.
Happy to see my girl Asuka finally get the gold. Wonder what the deal was with Fin Balor and the chainsaw? It was cool to see him channel his inner leather-face but still a little peculiar. Looks like WWE is finally trying to boost the NXT talent. Guess when the NXT pay per view does better than wresilmania it’s too much to ignore.
Still conflicted about Shane and taker. On one hand I’m disappointing that we still have to deal with this authority bull, but on the other hand I’m glad taker didn’t loose another Wresilmania.
Sun is frozen, stunned! Not the usual pace of our Lil Dragon. She can handle a loss like a pro, but the loss of her tag team partner?
NXT continually outperforms WWE, at least on the regular. RAW hits some nice notes, but there’s so much confusing nonsense, or overlong promos that it just bogs the whole experience down.
That said, I’m hoping to go to Wrestlemania next year. XD
I can only imagine that being Texas was the sole impetus for the chainsaw with Finn and Dean, to a lesser extent. I’m not sure what they’ll do in Orlando next year. Sinkholes or bath salts? 😛
They will go as “Florida Man”… duh
You lost against a team consisting of one half of the #2 team and the ex world champion. Get over it. Is ultradragon really that fragile after losing one match, and now it’s “we suck, lets break up”?
Also, I hate the phrase “You deserve it”.
What Sabrina is thinking and Sun to an extent is that right before their last match with the Catgirls, the one where Rose dropped the Sun Secret Bomb, Kyra said that if they can’t beat the Catgirls, they can’t beat the World Champions.
They’ve now lost twice to the Catgirls. The very minor detail, in Sabrina’s mind, that Brenda was subbing in at the last minute does not change this for her.
Sun is a little better about that sort of thing.
Finally Sabrina has seen the light and recognized who the better wrestler is. All her dreams of being the next John Cena were for naught.
Too bad Dixie will never go for it. She already has her Cena in Rua, but she still thinks it good to have a Roman Reigns around just in case for some reason.
So is this the beginning of the end of the series?
I’m not a fan of hyperbole, but you’ll know it when you see it. 😛
Sabrina, it’s not always about you doll.
I’m sure Gabrielle is happy to take some of the wind out of Damage, Inc’s sails after the Brenda screw job. And knocking down two of Yvonne’s protege’s is one angle.
Brina made her bed by jumping in with them so what options does she really have? What ante can she put on the table to interest the boss lady?
Still, the whole company’s recent tag team push might have been enough for Sabrina to get off the hook now that there’s several teams in the chase.