Chapter 02-Page 32-Self Help
I’m just going to leave that here and let you guys mull it over. Fitting though that this chapter started and ended with Krystin, but that’s not all for our favorite Definition of Technician.
This Sunday, April 24th at 11am CT, we’ll be having our Patreon sponsored Rival Angels Google Hangout! I’ll be working on a raffle sketch and we’ll talk about Rival Angels, wrestling, comics and a whole lot more.
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CREDIT: WWE Nia Jax vs Deonna Purrazo
A solid NXT this week. Nia Jax had a good match with Deonna Purrazzo. I don’t know why they have Deonna job out so much. She’s kind of something on the indie scene from what I understand. I have to admit, I marked out for Nia’s leg drop finish. XD
American Alpha vs Enzo and Cass was good from a ‘fantasy’ booking aspect. I don’t think we expected Enzo and Cass to win. Nice job on the clean finish.
No Way Jose. No Thanks. This smacks of Fandango, Adam Rose, Cj Parker and any other goofy gimmick that had a short shelf life.
Samoa Joe vs Apollo Creed was good. Kind of a classic match where the heel got over, and likely because he’s going on to bigger things. Glad to see Joe not fade away after two losses to Finn.
Wow, Krystin is demonstrating self-awareness! Astonishing!
She’s at rock bottom and looking for an elevator up.
At times Krystin has seemed like the kind that, upon hitting rock bottom, would swear at the rock for getting in her way and grab a pickaxe.
Very interesting assortment of reading. Into the night, softly, Krystin.
A very nice ending.
Thanks! I can’t wait to start up the next chapter.
Didn’t recogize Krystin all dressed up. Nice.
She cleans up well. 😉
Interesting ending to this chapter. Sort of reminds me of myself when I’m confused with life. I look into a book to help me out.
I hope these books can help Krystin out of her situation and soon.
We’ll see how it goes with Krystin’s light reading but she plans on doing more…action to try and better herself.
Poor Krystin…
Will this help? or make things worse for her?
We won’t have to wait too long to find out. She’s got a lot of guilt on her shoulders and not just Sun and Sabrina.
Books give knowledge
Knowledge gives power
Power corrupts
Interesting move on her party
It didn’t take her long to go from being in the Ivory Skybox and a TV champion to locker room outcast. She’s at rock bottom and has to find someway back up.
Uncontracted indy women pretty much job in NXT. They let Blue Pants (Leva Bates) have a win due to storyline. Mary Dobson, Deonna, Leva, etc. will pretty much always lose to the NXT girls. It’s like ROH women visitors always lost to MsChif back in the day.
Is she uncontracted? I didn’t know that. I figured with all of her appearances including a promo interview would have her on the roster. But then again, I think Billie and Peyton are still jobbing left and right. I get it, it’s paying your dues but I’d love to see them get started.
I was at a show with her last year and she was talking with someone and I overheard, she’s uncontracted but called in regularly, that arrangement gives her the freedom to go be…everything, but still gives her some of the WWE exposure and pay.
She said it was the best of both worlds for her, I tend to think its the best for the fans as well. We get to see all her variety that way.
I’ve been watching Joshi wrestling for a little bit now, and it is very different there. If you are a rookie, even a big rookie with family like Nia Jax, you do not get wins over so many veterans. In fact, it’s getting to the point I think the translation for “I’m new to wrestling” in Japanese means “I’m going to lose” in English. Meanwhile in NXT rookies are running rampant. It really is two worlds.
Krystin, if you were a narcissist, you wouldn’t be buying self help books.
She’s covering all of her bases.
Heh, seems Krystin isn’t only looking to improve the inside. I see that Aikido book hanging out on the bottom of the stack. Trying to up her countering and grappling game as well.
Nia Jax, she’s certainly making improvements, and that’s always commendable. And it was good to see her out there solo as well. Let’s her develop her own character.
Enzo and Cass vs American Alpha was a great tag team match. I mean, Everything just sort of clicked between the two teams and it gave us one hell of a show. A great way to sort of send off Enzo and Cass to the main roster, and establish American Alpha as the champs at the same time.
No Way Jose… I’m not going to lie, his theme song is catchy. His moves make me think he’d be one hell of an entertaining tag-team partner for Rich Swann. Crowd seems to be into him, but lets see what happens in future appearances.
Joe vs Crews, it was everything you said. Hell of a match between two solid competitors. Joe was just an absolute beast, Crews had all the skills, athleticism, but Joe just seemed to be able to take it all and shut him down.
And of course, next week, we’ve got Shinsuke Nakamura showing up again. Going to be showing “I should be pushed because I look like Seth Rollins’ scruffy brother” how you’re SUPPOSED to throw knees.
Yeah, it’s not all mental with Krystin and she figure it can’t hurt. And we’ll see just what unexpected turns the Aikido takes her.
I always like your positive spin to my sometimes cynical reviews of wrestling. 😀 I could fix that if I only posted Lucha Underground reviews. My wife and I love it!
I just wish I knew what channel to get it on over here in New England in English. I found it once on the All-Spanish channel. Loved the action, but had no idea what was going on.
As for putting a positive spin on things, I figure there’s enough people out there complaining that another person’s product isn’t exactly what they want it to be. I just take a ‘sit back and enjoy the ride’ mentality. Why spend time picking apart something you enjoy by focusing on the negatives?
I forgot to post this earlier:
This Sunday, April 24th at 11am CT, we’ll be having our Patreon sponsored Rival Angels Google Hangout! I’ll be working on a raffle sketch and we’ll talk about Rival Angels, wrestling, comics and a whole lot more.