Chapter 03-Page 08-All Blasphemy
Brooke’s overconfidence has allowed Serisette to hang around this match. Is this a mistake, and hurricanrana, that Brooke can recover from? Blasphemy! LOL

Credit: WWE
So RAW was pretty good this week, and only 2 hours from my home, them being in Green Bay, WI.
I’m kind of digging all the push and support going in behind Charlotte, but there is a danger here. Some like Dean and Stephanie are saying that without Ric, she won’t make it, and/or dumping him was too soon. If she does fail without her Dad, as a heel, there’s no way for her to go except down. With the way they are pushing her, that doesn’t seem likely so it’s weird that they’re taking her on that road as a heel. Honestly, I don’t care for her, and I’ll continue to cringe as they bring Becky back to feed the Charlotte.
At this point, it’s just great to see Natayla in the ring, even if she’s getting Dana Brooke over. Ugh.
New Day was good in putting a lamp shade on the coming up and goings ons with the Brand Expansion. That could be fun IF we get some great matches, and not just more of the same.
I’m kinda glad to see Breeze and Fandango still have jobs and I still like the Usos so this match was ok.
Rusev US Champ 2.0…meh. Does anyone really thing Titus will be the next US champ? Anyone?
Ah, good to see Enzo and Big Cass and Enzo hung on to his mic!!! Cool match, and a little melancholy that the Dudley’s are job- well, getting new talent over. I’m surprised that Bubba Ray doesn’t use his, ‘Do you know who I am, ‘ bit.
The main event with Ambrose, Sami and Cesaro against Del Rio, Jericho and Owens had some great moments, especially Owens before the match in the locker room. He was hilarious as the straight man for once.
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Maybe she’ll have an easier time with the “drow”.
As long as they’re not ‘cheerleaders’ too!
Haha! I love it! Brooke’s expression in the flip panel is just precious.
Cool! Yeah, she didn’t see that coming. One could argue that she now can’t unsee it.
Arguing with the ref, Brooke? When has that ever paid off?
The peril of running away with the match is that it can run away with you. Gotta stay focused between the bells – and then after, in case somebody gets any ideas. And then there’s before the match… and backstage… uh… just generally be wary?
Nice art. Makes you really feel each panel. Serisette would seriously love to steal a win here.
Arguing with the ref won’t get them to change THIS call, but you might be able to influence the next call. Hence, why so many pro coaches do it.
100% right about staying focused in the match. Brooke is letting the ‘fun’ get away with her and she has to make sure she can reign that back in.
Thanks on the art! Serisette is praying that she’s got this. XD
In pro sports, maybe, though I still contend that it’s mostly a way to guarantee that the refs will screw you over in the future. In wrestling, though, arguing with the ref is basically a way to make sure your opponent has a chance to rest and rethink their strategy.
I like the commentary, too. Jeff’s found his one gag and he’s sticking to it, but it works! Admittedly, we don’t have to listen to it for minutes at a time, like the poor television audience…
hashtag blasphemy maggle!
Nice very nice as I knew this would happen. However, Brooke does have a point in saying the referee is a slow counter.
Plus something tells me the ref was rooting for Serisette to win the match anyway.
I see you and Brooke are of the same excellent opinion. XD
I hope for Brooke’s sake that Serisette is wearing undies.
Or not… good way to make peace.
You two! rofl
Judging by Serisette’s face in the last panel, I think you might be on to something.
Rumor and conjecture! Though, possible.
Donny, you said it, and now I can’t unsee it. Serisette’s expression does look kinda dirty, when you look at it expecting it to be.
Oh look, Brooke’s back. For a second there, she seemed to forget who she was.
Charlotte is going to be an interesting case. I mean, they’re building her up to pretty much be her father in the women’s division. I remember before that very uncomfortable promo last week, Ric referred to Dana Brooke as Charlotte’s “Arn”, which makes me think they might be going for a female Four Horsemen style thing. I’m guessing by the end of the year, they’ll round it out with Alexa Bliss and Tessa Blanchard.
I honestly think that this “Brand expansion” is going to be good for the WWE fans. I mean, with the roster cut in half, and the shows run times still at 3 and 2 hours respectively, we’re going to be seeing more of the midcard that sort of gets lost in the shuffle, but we still all enjoy watching.
I think the big story with the Usos vs Breezango is how crisp Golden Truth looked after the match. Gotta say, Loved that Irish whip into the Goldust scoop powerslam. Dust has one of the best powerslams in the business.
Titus O’Neil… who knows? I mean, I think Vince has cooled down since the suspention and like I said, with the brand extension, a lot of midcard guys are going to get bumped up. With O’Neil’s strength, stature, and charisma… I don’t think a US title run is out of the picture for him. And I will admit, I yelled “WAN PAAAAAANCH!” when he dropped Rusev.
The Dudleys are one hell of a tag team, that’s for sure… but I think the reason that the WWE brought them back really is to sort of give some of the up and coming teams some In-ring training. There’s only so much you can learn in the gym/performance center. Sometimes being in the ring with seasoned pros and having them work with you during a match to help improve really puts that extra bit of polish on a team.
The Six Man main event was really one of those matches where you expect the best from the participants, and boy did they deliver. Though Kevin Owens really did a good job of making sure EVERYONE in the MitB match wants to push him off of a ladder, not just Sami Zayn. And it looked like Mexico’s Greatest Export wasn’t able to stand up to Europe’s Greatest Uppercut.
Tully Blanchard’s inclusion in the Network TABLE FOR 3 instead of JJ Dillon or Barry Windham has me thinking that Tessa might be groomed to facilitate a new generation of Horsewomen and that’d be cool. I like Tessa.
I’ve high hopes for the Brand Expansion, but are we going to see 2 World titles again? Will crusierweights be on one show and Ladies on another?
I would love for the Dudley’s to get the titles one more time before they’re done and maybe they will. I’m a little crestfallen at them getting everyone over all the time, but it’s not like they need to get over and the losing streak isn’t really hurting them.
I’m hoping some great feuds can come out of the MiTB match. 🙂
our Drow seems a bit too excited that she may actually win a match. I take it her singles record isn’t that spectacular?
as for RAW I loved and hated the AJ turn for the fact that 1) it was actually a surprise but 2) see KO for how things will probably turn out in the feud.
I am upset we didn’t get to see steph dance though with new day. it’s weird, when she’s out there with shane or doing stuff like this with new day (liked the covering her eyes during the W…W…E…TAG… etc gyrations) she seems like a normal dare i say, likable person. but as soon as she’s face to face with someone the whole “i am the alpha everything!” thing takes over.
she doesn’t let charlotte get a word in edgewise even though she left herself an opening Bertha faye and Amanda breaker could walk through side by side with the whole “spoiled rich kid” thing. as people pointed out she had just slapped ric a couple weeks prior but now that charlotte kicked him to the curb steph’s ric’s champion.
women’s division has come to a halt though. yeah paige turned up a couple weeks ago but other than that the last month has been charlotte, nattie with dana and now becky thrown back into it. lots of injuries on the women’s side as well but I get the feeling they’re treading water hoping sasha gets over her concussions (supposedly she was on main event this week so that’s progress) because the division seems very thin right now (emma hurt, Naomi hurt, tamina MIA/hurt?, bellas hurt/retired, Cameron gone(yeah scraping the barrel now), summer rae hurt(?) and lana still not ready for prime time). NXT has more healthy bodies in their women’s division than the main roster.
kinda upset the Dudley’s didn’t get a farewell cup of coffee run with the belts though I guess there’s still time yet. i’d rather see Bubba/Bully on his own though heeling it up. d’von seems to just be there to eat the pins usually. I think titus showing up is a “maybe we overreacted a bit- here’s a title program” thing. I don’t see rusev dropping the belt to him though.
owens is almost always gold in these backstage things, or on commentary. “i thought you and I were cool chris.” I did kinda like Dean’s “and he’s a Canadian.” bias while sami’s ready to flip out but dean won’t let him get a word in. del rio doesn’t seem to fit into this zaniness though. he seems too much the annoyed straight/serious man for all these hijinks. lighten up alberto, your “destiny” is with paige right now so smile a little.
Tamina’s got some torn ligaments. Summer Rae is supposedly fine, though
ah ok- I thought I heard something about summer being injured at one point as well which wouldn’t surprise me the way things are going. at this rate steph may very well be the last healthy woman on the show to feud with charlotte
The Cheerleaders records collectively and individually aren’t that great.
I like everything here. I thought it was a little early to turn AJ considering what a great response he’s been getting, but maybe that’s why? It will definitely help Gallows and Anderson.
Totally with you on Stephanie’s hypocrisy. Just crazy how big that hole was.
Ah, the Woman’s division…what can you say? It’s come to a halt, again. And when the front office gets an idea in their head, like let’s push Charlotte to the moon, that’s about that, like it or not, and I don’t.
Owens was so funny, the whole ‘we’re cool’ thing just had me rolling. The other side was funny too with Dean and Sami.
As much as I love seeing big bird stumble, I really hope this isn’t the end yet. But Mo Chen has a feeling it will get wrapped up for page length.
Brooke started off so hot, it’d almost be a shame to see it cut so quick.
Looks like Brook prefers running her mouth to running over her opponent. She practically gave her opponent this chance at a comeback, and its all gonna be on her if if she ends up going into that color run a beaten fallen goddess.
Cant say I was surprised at all with how RAW ended. They always seem to love giving returning superstars the finger by having them beat down. And AJ and the (Bullet) Club was too big a thing to have it fall apart for stupid reason like minor squabbling. So of course they were gonna patch there differences by laying out John. More typical RAW politics with both treating there legends as jobbers in the dudlys while giving whoever happens to be related to a close friend like Rick flare’s daughter another undeserving push. While the brand expansion is good thing, it’s something needed because of there own making after they let go so much of there talent.Though one talent they let go I have issues with in particular is Cody Roads. All Cody wanted was to drop the dumb stardust gimmick which was really nothing more than a cheep copy of his brother anyway. But Vince being Vince wouldn’t let him so Cody asked to be let go. Now Cody has to wait out his contract and can’t even wrestle for anyone else because of WWE’s stupid contracts. It was a lose of talent that could have easily been avoided by dropping a weak, silly gimmick anyway.
That sloppy, arrogant cover could be Brooke’s undoing. We’ll see next update! (or not) XD That Color Run gig will be a tougher bit with a loss than a win.
That’s a great point about Cody. It’s too bad things couldn’t get ironed out because there seems to be a big opportunity for the mid-card to get something going. I read something about how Triple H told Cody they all have their part to play but I don’t know if that meant Triple H’s hands were tied or not. Also, I do believe that Cody will be wrestling Kurt Angle at a wrestling convention or something. I just don’t think he can go anywhere that has a TV deal.