Chapter 06— Page 25-asterisk
on October 18, 2017
at 12:02 am
Chapter: Chapter 6 - International Incident
Characters: Cocoa Rococo, Sabrina Mancini
Location: Angel Dome arena
Sometimes victory is a long drawn out battle with an obvious finish. Sometimes, it strikes from the unlikeliest of places. Either way, there is no asterisk for winning. Obviously, Cocoa feels different, but for now, Sabrina is happy with the victory. Also, I’m not sure I’ve ever drawn a Matchbook Pin like that before. !!
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See Coco? She may be a blonde, but she listens and learns. A win is a win.
If Coco doesn’t like those pinfalls, may need to look at transitioning to a related sport that doesn’t have them. Luckily there are some well known athletes at this event for her to network with.
And Coco shouldn’t feel bad. That animated gif of that first panel is going to be popular on the Interwebs for years and years. Nice Brazilian booty.
Yeah, maybe Cocoa would prefer MMA? Doubtful though. She can fancy submission or KO victories over pinfalls, but that doesn’t take away from the win.
And LOL for Cocoa’s gif future.
Well, will you look at that! I was expecting a big long, drawn-out battle and you swerved us. Well done.
Ha! I never know how these are going to shake out, so I’m glad there are some who liked it.
Somebody tell Sabrina that the title wasn’t on the line. That’s for later in the story, when #gottamakesabrinalookstrong goes into full effect.
Oh, she knows. Its not her belt.
Make Sabrina Strong needs to hurry up. Only 2 more chapters left!
Ha, Cocoa May bluster and talk a good game, but Sabrina proves they actual experience and learning from your mistakes is the true way to victory.
Yet doesn’t Sabrina still have a tag team match later on during the night ? Willing that be canceled due to Sun’s injuries ?
I think the differences you pointed out are the keys to how and why this match went down. Sabrina and Cocoa will be thinking a lot about this match for a long time to come, and for different reasons.
Sabrina and Sun don’t have a tag match tonight, something the Towers of Terror are grumpy about. They don’t like Ultradragon ‘holding up’ the tag division while they fight singles matches. Hopefully, Sun can recover from her loss to Black Widow before their next title defense.
I mean I don’t always prefer it when the faces win, but when I do I say yayyyyyy!!!!
*Yayyyyyyyys with Cale!*
Now she needs a win over that lousy redhead from Hell’s Belles…
If you mean Jennifer Needles, Sabrina did pick up the victory against her, way back on page 203.
Actually, you know what? Sabrina might not have a win over Kat Smith. I’m not sure if she ever avenged that loss to her for the TV belt.
it seems the DI influence on brina is showing here. a pre- under the influence of Darth Yvonne Brina would have probably tried to go the submission route to beat Cocoa at her own game. but under Darth Yvonne’s tutelage brina just goes for the win however she can get it.
however if brina has spider senses I think they will be tingling loud enough to give her a headache as she breaks one of the cardinal rules of entertainment based combat- never turn your back on your defeated opponent if they’re still fresh enough to jump you from behind.
Damage Inc HAS left its mark on Sabrina. She knows that a win is a win. She also learned, probably from DI, that taunting afterwards is satisfying. I’m not sure Sabrina would make such a show of holding Cocoa’s belt up if she didn’t gain a bit of an ‘edge’ with Sun, Nikki, Yvonne and Kyra.
And does anyone believe that Cocoa is done?
Oh Cocoa is gonna get ribbed and shunned harder than ever when she gets back to her company’s locker room. Not only did the BRA World champion get beat by having her own hold reversed to a point she couldn’t get out, but to be beaten like that after all the hot air she was blowing… Even a post match beatdown won’t be able to cover this up.
I think you’re right that even a post-fight beatdown won’t take the sting out of this loss. But, we know Cocoa will be down to try SOMETHING, right?
It’d be interesting to see what Atlas thinks.
I’d argue that there are asterisks for winning, but those are reserved for those that cheat, or use outside assistance to win. Unfortunately for Cocoa there is no such action here, not even Sabrina having a fist full of trunks or having her feet on the ropes for extra leverage. This is a clean win for Sabrina.
Yeah, those would be good reasons, and as you pointed out, they do not apply here. I think Cocoa would’ve preferred to have lost via cheating. A tough pill for Cocoa to swallow.
Sabrina beating the BRA champion probably went a long way to ameliorate the damage the Upstarts did earlier, though in Gabrielle’s place I’m still not exactly happy with how things turned out.
I think this is why you and Gabrielle get along so well.
That’s the nicest thing anyone’s said to me since Brenda called me the biggest pain in the butt she ever met!
Both accolades are well earned and deserved.
All these years and Sabrina STILL hasn’t learned never to turn your back on your opponent?
This is very true….OR… maybe she’s daring Cocoa to do something? Not our little Sabrina, right? O_o