That is a lot of angry ladies upset at Sabrina. Some of them might like it if Sabrina left, but some of them just want her to suffer, which it seems like that its working.
Can Sabrina survive Gabrielle’s upcoming punishment AND can she get her roommates back on her side? Buckle up for Chapter 10 and everything that’s coming with it!
Voting Incentive!
We haven’t seen Def Tech in a little bit. Let’s see how she’s doing, eh? Vote to see what’s coming up on Wednesday!
who is that in the background?
honestly, it really looks like her…
Chloe has blue eyes, that’s Gabriella
Chloe also has blonde hair.
I’d love to give MGC a Rorschach test, someday.
“What do you see, here?”
“Chloe de Sade.”
“What about in this one?”
“Also Chloe.”
“And this one?”
“Chloe putting Sabrina in Sweet Agony.”
“What about this one?”
“You realize it’s a picture of the moon, right?”
“She is my moon and my stars.”
“O-kaaay….this one?”
“A butterfly.”
“Nah, only kidding. It’s Chloe.”
::snerk:: You know it’s true, MGC…
Give Callie a cookie, Mr. Ogre.
That’s Gabrielle, genius. I’ve told you once already Chloe’s not coming back for a long, long time, and here it is again: Chloe’s gone and she’s not coming back any time soon.
Sigh, my poor Brooke. (Breathe In, Breathe Out) Here goes.
A couple of months ago I was really looking forward to seeing Brooke again. But now, after 3 months of dark matches just to lose to Krystin
(I could handle that), get ejected from Hell’s Belles and then get further buried to push Danielle, I just………I don’t know anymore.
Don’t get me wrong, I still love and support her, it’s just that from now on it’ll be terrifying to know that she’s coming up. I dread that I’ll just end up watching her be abused and buried again and again and it’ll never end.
I’m sorry if I come off as a complainer or something, it isn’t my intent. I just have a strong emotional connection with Brooke and I wanted to let my feelings out. She’s my favorite, I love her and want what’s best for her, but sometimes I feel alone in that regard.
If nothing else she still looks good in her catsuit.
Yeah the heavy compression materials do wonders for her. And sexier than her spankies too
I think it’s awesome that you love Brooke so much. You are in very good company, really. In fact, a few of my friends, male and female love her too but for very different reasons. I fully expect all of the Upstarts to grow and evolve but it won’t be easy. Lord, it won’t be easy.
Kids grow up. Gotta learn to let go. Though we both know some folk in cyber who’ve been 22 a very long time LoL
You are NOT alone.
I love me some Brooke.
Just substitute Cubs for Brooke and you could be talking about my beloved team. I love the big underdog. And let’s face it, she’s the biggest.
Hang through the tough times and you may be rewarded. And even if you and she aren’t outwardly so, there is nobility in loyalty without ultimate success.
Stay strong.
Yeah, I hate to say it but I think the only roommate that Sabrina has left in her side maybe ironically Brooke and that is due to Krystin’s double dealing plans and Sun as The Bosses attack dog.
Only a miracle could save Sabrina from this and fix everything.
Sabrina is a poison, an unintentional poison.
Krystin is only her latest victim. Do we really think that her minor injury would have really kept her from making her next title defense in a month? She probably could have. But management didn’t care, Sabrina was back and they needed an excuse to take the title of Krystin and put it around their chosen one’s waist as quickly as possible.
If only Gabriella hadn’t decided to play favorites all those months ago. If only she hadn’t brought in four girls only to label one special, raise her high and hand opportunity after opportunity.
If only.
You do know what a provisional title is right? Krystin’s still champion and she still will be if she’s good enough to win against whoever’s got the provisional belt when she’s fixed up.
I get that you’re all “I hate Sabrina” and all, but I’m pretty sure the whole point of the TV title is that it gets defended every week or thereabouts. That’s four or five matches worth of injury time, so they need a shiny toy for people to fight over in the meantime.
Has it even been established that the TV Title is defended every week? So far it has just come off as the company’s secondary title.
Interim title. I knew provisional wasn’t the right word.
I don’t believe it’s been stated that the TV Title is a weekly defense.
RA is big enough to do weekly events, kind of like NXT, showing off the development, the up and comers, maybe main event mid-carders. The TV title would be the highlight. But we don’t actually know…
It makes sense though. At your age you can really only defend your title once a year. Great for RA’s Mania equivalent, but the rest of the year, there’s gotta be something.
Pffft. How the mice do roar.
When I do finally retire, you can queue up with the other wanna-be and squabble under the banner of my legacy. But until then you’ll just have to dream your little dreams of beating me for the gold. It’s quite charming.
Well if this fails she can always go back to Japan.
Love the cover (including the big picture of Gabrielle).
Like faces & heels, but hope that Krystin gets rid off her jealousy: she´s my favorite of the 4 above ;-).
It is a good picture but what type of story could Albone weave if everyone got along?
I can´t hardly wait :D!
I think we will be surprised ;-).
Glad to see the Def Tech Fan Club alive and well! Did you check the Voting Incentive? We are starting this chapter off with her.
I did :)! Looks like Vince is taking good care of Krystin :D:! I would do the same, ha ha.
Topher! Topher is with Krystin…however, would it weird you out that Vince is also going to be on the next page, so to speak? XD
Wow. Now that’s a dramatically foreboding cover. Well done, sirrah.
And the worse part is one of the wheels came off the bag so it is going to flip over and cause Sabrina to stumble….
A perfect end to the perfect career. XD
Why would you address the boss with a diminutive title? Don’t be making me hurt you, sirrah
Thank you.
You know what the sick part of this is?
The Ultradullard will never point the finger at herself for the situation she created for herself. There she is, trying to drum up sympathy from the Ultramaniacs again. It’s good that the rest of the Upstarts aren’t having it, though. Their careers were or are humming along fine until Sabrina comes back, thinking the emotional support system she needs to function as a “wrestler” would be there. Now that everyone’s revealed themselves as a human being with their own feelings and motivations, “poor” Sabrina can’t handle it. How manipulative.
Have I kicked Sun upside the head yet? I need to get around to that.
If ‘Brina needs somewhere to crash, imma sure we have some room.
Baby ‘Brina Watch!
My little Sabrina-Ripley is Two Months Old!! She seems to be enjoying it more this time round XD
I still can’t believe I made a tiny little person X3
YOUTUBE of the Day!
In tribute of Sanguinius the Angel and his sons, the Blood Angels Legion.
“It should have been Him”
– Horus the Warmaster.
I hear you have an Xbox. If so, I think Sabrina would love to couch dive. XD
Congratulations to you and Baby Brina on two months!
Fine…but she has to use the secondary controller! The primary controller is all broken in and just how I like it…
And my little Sabrina approves of anything involving congratulations…and attention…
ya know- i’m starting to think that brina should never unpack- ever. seems she’s always being driven away from one place or another of late so it’d save her some time if she just kept everything in her luggage.
also expecting a Darth Yvonne appearance fairly soon. “Come Sabrina, Rival Angels has turned against you, your friends have abandoned you. you’re no longer Gabrielle’s chosen one. Join me and together we shall make them pay for turning their backs on you. Together we shall prove them all wrong and Sabrina Mancini will someday rule Rival Angels with an iron fist! Take my hand Sabrini and we can make this happen. search your feelings, you know this to be true…” (starts breathing slowly and raspally deep)
*snorkle* That might have happen IF Sun isn’t already a member of Yvonne’s group. The fun part is seeing how much Yvonne trusts Sun to make deals/arrangements as part of Damage Inc. However, if Sun screws up badly, it will be interesting to see what steps she takes to keep/bring Sun back in line.
Sabrina’s always got a bag ready to go. XD
And I like your Yvonne idea, but there’s an irate Lil Dragon that might object.
c’mon we know Sun is Yvonne’s Dooku to Brina’s Anakin. ;P
*mind blown*
Haha You make that sound pretty good!
You win so many internets for that.
Wow! Really awesome art, boss. And congrats on hitting chapter 10!!
P A R T Y!!!
*Looks at cover*
So…. Sabrina is leaving the X-Men?
I dunno. It seems like the conflict ball is being handed around, especially between Sun and Krystin. Sun is still huffy even though Sabrina did follow her advice eventually, and Krystin because… she got saved from a beatdown and this was bad because it stole her spotlight? Basically, it seems like both have turned on Brina for what are to me EXTREMELY petty reasons. Do they have a right to be pissed over things? Sure. But it’s all about proportion. It’s especially bad with Sun, who has apparently gone so far as to be willing to sell out her friend because she’s having a snit fit. If it is as it appears to be, whatever respect I had remaining for Sun would be completely gone. Fighting your friends in wrestling? No big, that’s part of the business. But singling out your friend for ‘extra’? If as Albone says that Sun would claim she’s the same Lil Dragon she always was, then her definition of ‘friendship’ comes from parts unknown, or maybe JSN’s playbook.
It just so happens that the definition of BFF does get clarification this chapter.
And for Krystin, the first part of this chapter is all about her.
Really now, I don’t get why everyone is so upset with Sabrina when she did nothing wrong!
Kyrstin is just butt hurt that all the attention wasn’t on her. She’s gone from the so called “real wrestler,” to the typical attention whore that so many wrestlers change into once they get the title it’s typical. And Sabrina wasn’t the one that broke you’re hand, and if you have a problem with how management decided to deal with it I suggest you take it up with them not keep blaming Sabrina like some whinny baby.
If Brook thinks things are going to be easily patched up she’s dead wrong! She was the reason Sabrina was sent to Japan and out of Rival Angles in the first place. Sabrina has a deep grudge with her and it’s rightfully deserved. She was the one in the wrong.
Gabriel has got no reason to be angry at Sabrina ether, that match up was pure garbage and if she had any promotional brains in her head she would have restarted the match with a different ref instead of throwing her little temper tantrum. But like every selfish self absorbed and self centered promoter she’d rather bite off her own tough than admit she was wrong, or made a mistake and owned up to it. She’s gone from a manipulative bitch to the living cliché she is now. Not an improvement when it’s been done to death.
Sun is the most disappointing. She threw away a long outstanding friendship for what? She’s another cliché in that she’s turned into another corporate sellout.
Instead of feeling sorry Sabrina needs to get angry and to go AJ Black and start dealing payback to all these selfish bitched that continue to turn her life upside down!
WOW. Test-A-fy. I don’t want to spoil anything with any comments, but, nice.
Been awhile (since the great wedding day brawl) since I posted a comment, but I should say that I haven’t missed an update yet. Loving this. I somehow knew it was only a manner of yime before Gabrielle would channel her inner McMahon (“Don’t cross the boss!”).
Should’ve saw the Sun thing coming. The deadliest of enemies are often former best friends. Remember Wrestlemania 5, anyone?
I seriously don’t know where this is going or how Sabrina will fix this. Though I do suspect she has an ace in the hole (we *still* don’t know her answer to the question. Seriously, how long will we be kept hangining!?).
We will find out Sabrina’s answer to Yoshi’s marriage proposal before the end of the chapter.
Glad to see you posting!
Things are not looking so good for Sabby on this cover….girl could use some friends.
She sure does. !!
Some might see this as a reason to give up…. I see it as a reason to fight harder. If Brina feels she’s hit rock bottom, then the best advice for her is to plant her feet, jump, and start clawing her way back to the top
I like it.
Just getting caught up. A Sun vs. Sabrina feud? This could be cool. I also love how much you’ve built up the title matches. Getting even a TV Title match is a huge deal in Rival Angels!
Might be interesting if ‘Brina got some friendship from the ones she least expects it…like, say, Black Widow, or even Cocoa! But I wouldn’t put too much in that expectation. Also she could turn heel for awhile, and then repent…but I’m sure there’s enough surprises here for all of us.
You forgot to mention Chloe ;-). That will be very unexpected :).
I´m looking forward to Krystin & Upstarts (probably without Sabrina/ Sun but with Amanda Breaker) vs Mercy & her girls :D!
I hope you like what happens with this ‘contest.’
I’d like to point out that I’m handing out bonus points to the first person who calls Sun ‘Moose’ this chapter.
No cookies though. Those are all mine!
Terrific cover, Alan. Nice job.
Thanks, man!
One word describes it all. Catty. CATTY! CATTY! CATTY! Bad girls doing mean things to each other. And they’re pro-wrestlers. Just plain catty!
You wouldn’t happen to be a fan of 2 Broke Girls, would you? I love that show!
Whoa!! They wrestle too!? ; )
Max and Caroline would make an awesome tag team.
Albone … you’re losing me here with petty tyrants and moron wrestlers. Unless Sun is not playing both sides, if both Sun and Gabby don’t get shot on toast over this I’m losing all interest.
Chapter 10 (this chapter) should be pretty revealing including Sabrina’s answer to Yoshi’s marriage proposal.