Chapter 10-Page-1-Up For Breakfast
So there’s at least one person not happy with Sabrina and yet, maybe not some exemplary behavior from Def Tech herself? As for Krystin and Topher, they used to date. Now? I’ll let you be the judge of that.
Krystin makes mention that Topher and Vince are buddies and they are! Check out when they made their entrance to Club Hell.
Commission Monday update!
This past Monday brought another cool FAWN commission, this time featuring Maggie Connor and Snowkitten!
Rival Angels Graphic Novel #4!
Season One, Graphic Novel #4! Own your own very piece of Rival Angels, the webcomic that’s never missed an update in 4 years and 860 updates. 😀 Personalized, one-of-a-kind sketches are available!
Voting Incentive!
If there was ever a time for a Caption Contest. Vote for a sneak peek of Friday!
I prefer berries in my crepes, personally, but Krystin’s clearly got more esoteric tastes.
So how long will it take for the pills to come back and haunt her?
So what type of berries? I think Brenda like Dingle Berries.
Metastory, I say the end of the chapter at the earliest. In-story, I have no real clue how long that’ll amount to. A week? A month? A couple of days short of a week? We’ll see, but I doubt we’ll have to wait too long.
This reminds me, I promised Snow and Rose I’d pick up some Franken Berry and some Boo Berry cereal. The dairy better have the fresh whole milk in. I make a horrible milk maid – but still better at that than most of my competition can rassle.
She’s just BEGGING for a joke involving her and milking.
Please do – and then we’ll just be scooping you up with that spatula.
I’m won’t udder a word…
Last panel: oh dear, trouble on the horizon for Krystin 🙁 .
Big time trouble. Once you start down that road how do you stop?
End of the month? How far into the month are we?
Two close. The big question is if we have a good month can we recycle it and use it again?
We’re one week out from Krystin’s injury.
May I suggest, Pancakes and add some protein powder.. that’s good..
Panel 6:
what are they?
are those Tribulus? ZMA? Glucosamine? Amino tabs? hehehe
I don’t know if our favorite champ..
Brenda Rua, taking Tribulus, ZMA, in her training days,
really love Brenda
M.G.C. you scare me knowing that.
Brenda uses TLC in her food and exercise in the rest. I keep her running!
It’s true; she does! I don’t need a to hit the tread mill or step machine or use those enhancements.
The only steroids even in me were cortisone for my ACL and rotator cuff. You can thank Black Widow for the first.
Brenda was once told that steroids were designed to help you heal faster and “bulk you up.”
It took over an hour to convince her that rocky road ice cream was not a steroid.
You forgot the “feel better” part.
I think I was mostly arguing that butter pecan was better.
That’s why, some of your opponent, who is taking it, you lose..
like Akira
Mind you, some time on the step machine wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world for you. Those flabby thighs are getting more unsightly by the day…
And this from the lips of miss cottage cheese butt 1999 – 2012.
First off, great Monday picture featuring Snow Kitten. Secondly, poor Krystin if she was caught with those, then she’ll be in worse trouble than Sabrina. 🙁
P.S. I enjoy Strawberries with my Crepes. 🙂
Yes that was a great picture on Monday to bad the roles were backwards.
Can we have whip cream with the strawberries….
Yep, because that makes it more tasty. 🙂
Gah! What is it with people and their need to make me smack them upside the head? Don’t they know how busy I am?
Very busy!
Baby ‘Brina Watch!
Much to my relief, Sabrina-Ripley and Ms. Mittens are the bestest of best friends, mewmews and cooing abounds!
Senior Savage on the other hand is far too aloof for such things.
Silly cat.
YOUTUBE of the Day!
And Samantha Shepard totally did.
Super sad ending though.
pssst You can make good money fulfilling that need LoL
Plus, you’re hand is going to get sore from all that slapping. 😛
Cats are very silly, but glad to see BFF between Sabrina-Ripley and Mewmews. 🙂
Cool game trailer!
I’ve never had crepes. Too frilly. Now pancakes? Pancakes are badass. You can put strawberries, blueberries, chocolate chips, or sausage in them, you can make them from gingerbread, pumpkin, or potatoes, you can put many different kinds of syrup on them or eat them plain. Can you make crepes out of pumpkin or put sausage in them? No you can not.
Phhht! You sound like a waffle person. And you forgot chocolate syrup! You’re not taking me out for breakfast now.
Nope. Not gonna do it; wouldn’t be prudent.
Hey, I said “may different kinds of syrup.” That includes chocolate syrup, so I did not forget it.
Also, of course I’m not taking you out for breakfast. I don’t have any money.
Some baking powder, a little lemon juice and 2 tsp vanilla extract in Josh’s pancakes make them really really good and Mo Chen is not usually a breakfast food person.
Note you shouldn’t call someone else stupid while taking steroids.
This is a good note.
i see krystin’s decided to start taking shortcuts to speed her way to the top. now the question is…does she like Topher only for his pills?
Maybe we’ll find out next update?
Just for argument’s sake, do we know that they’re steroids? All we know so far is that they come in bottles, should ‘heal her hand’, and she’s getting them from someone rather than directly from a pharmacy. They could be some kind of homeopathic herbal kludge.
If Krystin’s hand actually heals, then we’ll know it’s not that stuff.
It does seem very ambiguous, doesn’t it? But why hide it?
You know, I’m really coming to dislike Twofer. He’s skinny, ugly, slimy, got bad teeth, keeps bad company and breaks the rules. (Sounds like the English.) But he’s got a nice kitchen, and it appears he can cook. A man who can cook can’t be all bad. Or can he?
Topher is a fancy man. And an MMA fighter. 😛
Topher still has the worst hot talk ever.
Yeah really. I’ve no idea what the “baller” thing is about. But he calls her “son” too? Really? Is this the next big thing? I thought calling girls dude was the bottom. Jeeze. Then he pretty much calls her a fat ass.
Girl needs some self-esteem booting. Time for a girls night out!
Also, speaking as someone whose erudition can at times lead one astray towards the realm of grandiloquence, there are some words which simply do not enhance certain moods. “Phalange” is one of those.
“Astray” is how you described enrolling in semiology 101 when we were first starting out, because you thought knowing how to sew might come in handy.
“Astray” was my answer when I was asked by a fan what animal you most closely resembled.
Did you check out the Voting Incentive for what’s coming with Topher and Krystin? XD
Yeah. Maybe is harder when English is not your first language to get turn on by words like that.
Krystin is all about the title and fame, it seems. She would have taken the easy win and crowed about it afterwards.
Weirdly, the key note to me is the ESPN coverage. I guess that we are so used to Pro Wrestling being fake (in real life) and the media treating it as so. In this comic, when the wrestling is real, the ESPN coverage brings a whole different angle to this. Now I’m wondering if someone leaked the Gabrielle-Sabrina confrontation to ESPN.
This gets even more interesting. Nice, Albone.
Thank you. 🙂
I liked the ESPN touch as well. Though curious as to how they’d handle out of ring incidents. Realistically the hell’s belle’s would have had charges against them for the one ambush, and Ultra Girl and the Aussie Slut would have had charges pressed against them as well for the wedding fiasco..
As to the legal ramifications, I defer to real life events. In hockey a few years ago, there was a blatant attack on the ice where the police were called in and they deferred to the NHL to handle it.
In the UFC, two guys who fought each other ended up at the same hospital after the fight and started fighting again. Dana White fired one or both of them. ESPN’s coverage of both were what you might expect: Dramatic.
Sounds interesting to me and looks like you keep on top of things.
So is Krysten complaining that Sabrina should have taken the easy win and be handed the belt. A belt that was supposedly hers? You would think that she would have given Sabrina props for not just stealing her title.
At least Topher compliments Sabrina wanting to earn the title like a true competitor. Mind you still in a super dorky way.
So now Krystin is going to be a pill popping, roid raging egomaniac. Her parents must be so proud.
Oh, Krystin and Sabrina are going to have a heart-to-heart talk this chapter and sooner rather than later.
Dude, they’re in Marina Towers? They’re right across the river from my office!
*Topher does the cool-guy head nod*
*Krystin closes the curtains on both of you* XD
Although I’m sure it won’t help this is my advice for Krystin(‘s injury) 😉
It’s also the advice of Tokugawa Ieyasu 🙂
Ha, nice! XD