Chapter 14-Page-09-Dirty Payback
It seems that Brooke might have planned for this scenario. The real question is, ‘will she get away with it?’ Brass knuckles can solve a lot of problems, but cause just as many.
Holiday Update!
Because of the upcoming holiday schedule, Rival Angels will not be updating the story between Wednesday, December 24th and Friday, January 2nd. Rest assured that while I might not be updating pages, I’m still working on the updates. I do plan on updating with some commissions and Sabrina Sez.
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Voting Incentive!
Disqualification or not, Jen looks like she’s taking a ride. Vote to see what’s up next!
Jennifer has a hard stand here.
Yes she does and it doesn’t look good.
It’s only going to get worse for the redhead in the ring. Check the voting incentive.
Well this just proves that Brooke was trying to keep the fight fair and clean. Something tells me that she’ll be punished for this action. π
I can’t believe she is cheating. I thought the Rival Angels were the good gals….
Brooke’s actions today are in response to when Jen used them on her.
Yet 2 wrongs don’t make it right. π
Brooke should try to be above this. π
Dayummmmm Rabbit punch + Brass. That could cause a whole lot of trouble.
Jennifer is out before she hits the ground. Great art. I feel it!
Well now that the line has been crossed what is next a knife?
I think it was a punch to the face, we’re just seeing her head jerk to the side as a result.
Brooke makes no apologies for bringing (back) the brass.
I approve!
Cause you do that to?
No, ’cause she can’t win legit.
“Can’t” and “Won’t” are two entirely different things.
What a wonderful saying. π
Don’t be silly.
I use a Mag-Lite.
Huh. Any particular reason?
Sometimes I’ll use a lights-out entrance as cover for coming from another direction. The torch helps me see where I’m going π
Brooke did a horrible thing.
I’d never use that on an opponent unless they deserved it.
Maybe Jen deserved it?
Tiger don’t change her stripes. Any wonder why I want to bring the bubblehead down?
Book it!
It’d be a fun match to watch!
It ain’t cheatin’ if you don’t get caught. Props to Brooke.
But would she do it to an Upstart if necessary?
That’s the difference between getting an undergrad degree and a PhD of heeldom.
Not to mention being roomies. If she did that to me I’d dose all her stuff in the the bathroom with jabanaro oil
An excellent point!! Just how far does roommate loyalty go?
I bet she doesn’t even care if she gets caught, as long as she whoops that ass.
You’re probably right, but she really doesn’t want to get caught. she’d rather beat them at their own game.
Ouch. They didn’t even bother to cover them in athletic tape. Now to tuck the weapon into that little heart cut-out, hit your finisher just to keep the ref from suspecting anything, and go for the pin.
On a side note, Kat’s looking pretty upset about Jen getting a boot right in her tenders. It’s okay, Kat. Just gives you an excuse to kiss them better.
Have you seen the voting incentive? Brooke’s got future plans for Ms. Needles.
somewhere backstage Sassy is calling gimmick infringement.
Looks like it’s back to basics for Brooke…
By this time, it’s muscle memory for our not so little Brooke.
Just crossed the line now. I don’t like this.
The next few updates MAY be as suitable rough. WARNING. (or not)
That’s how you murder someone.
Brooke’s not trying for that. Her declaration is in panel 3, and 5, I suppose.
I’m torn. I want to boo Brooke for cheating. But I want to cheer for someone smacking Needles in the face. It’s a very confusing time!
Then Brooke has done her job! If you can’t love her, then she’ll do her best to baffle.
jennifer desereves every dirty trick being used on her. I have no sympathy for her
I know a lot of people in the story and reading the story feel the same way.
One good loaded shot to the face deserves another.