Chapter 4-Page-10-Check Yo-self, before-
Man, if you’re not sticking to the plan, then I don’t know what to tell you. Does Sabrina know what she’s doing? Her cheering support system don’t seem to think so. What do you think?
Rival Angels Graphic Novel #4!
Season One, Graphic Novel #4! Own your own very piece of Rival Angels, the webcomic that’s never missed an update in 4 years and 650 updates. Personalized, one-of-a-kind sketches are available as well as the latest Sketchbook!
Voting Incentive!
Things are getting claustrophobic in the latest voting incentive. See for yourself!
I really like to comment on something.. better not..
just a question.. what’s with Blackwidow outfit.. that red something on her shirt?
It’s the red hourglass that is on many black widow spiders.
“Not all adult female black widows exhibit the red hourglass on the ventrum or underside of the abdomen — some may have a pair of red spots or have no marking at all. Female black widows often exhibit various red markings on the dorsalor top side of the abdomen, commonly two red spots.”
Aha! Brina pulled a Matrix! I thought she got plowed!
She likes to keep you on your toes.
Well, if she doesn’t herniate herself, okay. And we’ve gotta wait till Monday to see what happens? Shame, shame, SHAME!
Yeah, if she avoids the herniation, I think all is well. As for the weekend cliffhanger…what can I say? It’s just how it happens. XD
Demonstrating great agility and power! Go, Sabrina!
Going for a move like this early on is risky, but Sabrina does have surprise on her side, and getting slammed like that can do quite a lot of physical and psychological damage to her opponent, and provide a good opportunity for follow-up. You know what you do to spiders on the ground!
You have read Sabrina’s mind! Were you in on her strategy sessions? XD
If I was, you better believe she wouldn’t have found time for flirting with some lightweight Japanese dude…
Also, she’d be focused on the lower abdomen and thighs, instead of wasting time with the head and chest. Those are targets of opportunity, not priorities! But hey, at least she’s being aggressive…
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn girl, Sabrina’s on point! Not so sure about what she’s doing now, but I’m hoping she can pull it off.
Or…what if she pulls it off but it left worse for it…i.e. hurting her back? O_o
Um… This could end badly. I’m reminded of the SvR games where they wouldn’t let lightweights pick up heavyweights.
LOL @ Kaci. XD
Sabrina might have wished that she took the example from SvR. Then again, if she pulls this off…
Ultragirl can easily bodyslam Bittsy. Ultragirl is in the Matrix! She can’t be stopped!
Sabrina loves her supporters.
Like Sergio Argones? XD
At times like this you just got to roll with what you know along with what others teach you, am I right ?
Because that in my opinion is Sabrina’s way of fighting.
That IS Sabrina’s fighting style…so, win or lose, at least she’s sticking to herself.
So go for a slam or flip and drop her over her knee? So many options. Then again toss her out of the ring to her “friends” and let them get revenge. Snickers.
I like the latter idea. There’d be a lot of payback waiting for her on the outside.
Sabrina looks to be overzealous here and if she’s not careful is about to be squashed under Black Widow like a bug…no pun intended…well…maybe a little. lol
I do love the 3 girls commentary on the match so far, adds a unique perspective to everything that’s going on! Great work!
Thanks and glad you’re enjoying the match!
How heavy is widow anyway?
I’m betting 180lbs.
That seems like a good estimate. I mean, she usually gets listed as, ‘none of your damn business!’
*Look on in shock, shock that she’d try, shock that she got BW up* There’s not many of us who have slammed BW, so Brina is knocking at the door of an elite club. But then this could be a drop over her thigh.
“Go BRINA! Use your ki girl!”
Getting someone up ain’t the problem, its putting them down with Authority to do damage or stun.
If she quits while she’s ahead and just drops Widow across her knee, she’s in good shape, although the energy expended and the strain on her back of lifting Widow still won’t have been worth it. If she keeps going and tries to get a full slam on, I don’t see this ending well.
Any who’ve tried to get Black Widow off her feet will tell you that it is no small feat. Sabrina’s not huge into power moves like bodyslams, but she’s inspired!
I would’ve went for the repeated dropkicks to the knee, personally.
And this is why you favor Def Tech…XD
I’m going through Def Tech withdrawls here.
WE ALL ARE. But, you’ll be happy, I think, when we see her next.
‘Brina! If you don’t pull that off, I swear imma scold you!
*shake frustrated fist*
LOL, but there’s so many ways that this could go wrong!
one nitpick- does Cocoa have six fingers of her right hand in the last panel? or is that just a coincidental optical illusion thing? if she does she’d best avoid people named Montoyo.
look at BW trying for a cheap grope in the first panel! but spider-Brina is ready using her spider-agility to land on her feet before entering the matrix. No doubt believing she’s the “One” she attempts to use her matrix enhanced strength to scoop slam BW (though if she’s smart she’d go for a less punishing -to herself- backbreaker across the knee though that might snap her leg in half…)
Kaci in continuing with my “stupid Yanks” theme from last update’s comment is quick to realize that the stupid high flier speedy Yank is trying to match power with someone almost twice her size and thus not part of her carefully scripted plan of attack. and Cocoaclearly doesn;t know brina that well yet if she’s saying that Brina is actually thinking during a match rather than riding the wave of momentum.
VI looks like Brina has been sent to the corner by Kaci for not following the plan and is waiting for her punishment from principal Widow.
She has five fingers; the sixth “finger” is the one that looks like her index finger, but it’s actually part of her forearm.
just looked odd because looking at her arm it seemed to me that that space would be covered by part of her elbow pad not shoiwing skin tone like it is. and i was half joking anyway just thought it was kinda wierd.
Hmmm, maybe her forearm needs more of that lace coloring? It probably couldn’t hurt.
I think you’re on to something with the Voting Incentive.
Double LOL at Bitsy copping a feel. Think how many dudes are envious right now? Also, I think you captured the thoughts of Sabrina’s support base.
Hey Kaci. Mike Tyson once said everyone’s got a plan till they get punched in the face. Apparently, Sabrina is just inverting that astute observation. Everyone’s got a plan till they punch someone in the face. Then they get a case of the ‘happys’ and think they can leap tall buildings and such.
Sabrina’s inspired! Of course, if that helps her heft Black Widow up and over is anther story, and then, if she does…will there be a price to pay in herniated discs?
Hmmmm… the mixture of blonde hair, nauseating enthusiasm and idiotic overconfidence in her own abilities reminds me of someone. Don’t know who I could be thinking of…
Wow…XD A certain commission comes to mind…
What do I think? I think she’s going to throw her dang back out.
And it is VERY hard to fix that sort of thing. So, hopefully, she knows what she’s doing.
Please no BANE STORY!
Believe Sabrina know what she doing. Sabrina lifting Widow do remind me of when Hulk Hogan lifting Andre the Giant.
I think you are Sabrina are on the same page…she is trying to go for that early bodyslam!
Black Widow vs. Ultragirl, and everything’s going according to plan. No, not their plan, the wrestling plan. Sabrina’s gonna get squashed for a two count, but since she’s a fragile speedster (heavy emphasis on the fragile), that’s gonna be it for a while from her. The ensuing Black Widow beatdown will give you enough time to grab some snacks. You won’t be missing much; you’ve seen one monster squash match, you’ve seen them all. That’s because big girls don’t need to learn how to wrestle because their bigness will carry them through a match; just run somewhere towards your opponent until Newton’s laws of motion bring you to a stop. Rinse and repeat.
All the while, Sabrina will rack up a lot of two counts because of hustle, loyalty, re–oh, we’re not supposed to refer to that guy at all. Anyway, it turns into a stalemate until Black Widow remembers Ultragirl’s weakness–being splashed through a table–and tries to do so. The outcome of that will determine who wins the match.
I think the secret to your success is your ability to apply Kayfabe to everything and your belief that everyone that reads this comic understands what you’re saying.
“Success”? Is success, in this instance, measured in his ability to irritate and offend pretty much everybody?
It’s funny because when was the last time he was right about anything? Not to wreck anything, but his above ‘speculation’ is really silly. I’m honestly flattered he went through so much to type that, but applying kayfabe to a comic about wrestling is like applying the bible to gardening.
He is, at least, consistent in that regard. Part of me thinks he’d make a decent heel commentator in wrestling, but the rest doesn’t think he’s got the required amount of being actually funny. He might have been a decent manager type, though… their job was to get the fans to hate their guts with their words.
I can see Sabrina pulling a reversal of some kind driving Widow into a table etc.
Sabrina……-___- I got a bad feeling about this. I don’t want to sound mean but Black Widow IS a big girl. If she decides to toss her she better hope her weight shifts the way she wants it to or we might end up with a Brina pancake
Careful, Brina. That looks like a whole lot of booty you’re grabbin
Booty by the pound! (said affectionately)
She not only pulled a Brazilian Limbo contest winning limbo, but now she’s trying to reenact Hogan vs. Andre the Giant Wrestlemania III!
What can she do to pull off the trifecta?
*Computer desk flip* That’s it, I’m dropping Sabrina as a strategy client.
I understand and empathize with your frustration.