Chapter 6-Page-28-Satisfaction
on March 8, 2013
at 12:02 am
Chapter: Chapter 6 - Frenemies
Characters: Aggro Beast, Cocoa Rococo, Kaci Alexander, Kunoichi, Sabrina Mancini, Schoolgirl Katsumi, Shamrox
Location: Tokyo Dome
And that is how Sabrina and Cocoa friendship ended. And look who finally decided to show up!
Voting Incentive!
Damage done. Vote to see what’s coming up on Monday!
I have to admit, I did not see Kunoichi jumping in. Mostly because she wasn’t part of the match.
That’s how ninjas roll.
Double dark side points for Cocoa!
I say make it 2.5X.
Well, wondering what the next plot twist will be.
I can’t wait to show you. 🙂
While I doubt it would happen, HOPEFULLY part of what happens next will involve a certain Brazilian Biznatch getting BLACKLISTED… followed by a back-room beat-down, ending with the BRA feeding little miss Cocoa to a certain L’il Dragon!
I STILL think you need to bring Lufisto into this comic… 😀
I’m not against having Lufisto in the comic. I sent her a book with a sketch of her, but I never heard back. :/
Evil Cocoa! Booooo!!!
YEAH!!!! *looks around* I mean booo. lol
I wasn’t the only one to call Elite showing up, but it was called.
As for Sabrina, she should be out cold by now. Sell the beating, ‘Brina. Do not spring up and fight off the Syndicate alongside Kaci and Shamrox.
Sabrina Mancini only knows how to sell merchandise. There’s a reason a certain wrestler’s name kept popping up when the comparisons started.
With how the IWC has turned on Cm Punk lately, I’m convinced the average wrestling fans favorite wrestler choices are picked by dart board.. or maybe a bingo card lol. Don’t hate the player… hate the game.
no no you see they only like them when no one else does (or very few) the minute everyone else jumps on the bandwagon they’re not “cool and edgy” for liking that wrestler anymore so the only thing to do is turn on them, call them a sellout, and find a new unsung hero to support. wash, rinse, repeat.
granted not everyone is like that but that seems to be the general cycle of popularity in the IWC.
and actually JSN there’s no clear indicator Sabrina is a big merchandise mover. clearly Albone needs to show Gabby in her office looking over the merchandise income top ten list one day to see who is getting the big push- i mean pushes out the most merchandise to make the company money. 🙂
The VI will imply what’s to come. 😉
YEAH! Choke her out! Choke her out!
And Cocoa just struts away from the ring. Leaving Sabrina’s destruction to continue unopposed. Fittingly, not one hint of remorse shows on her face! She is Shiva! The destroyer of worlds! I’m really loving this chapter. I have to wonder if Atlas really does have some other plan for Sabrina other than wrecking her infront of a very p.o.’d crowd.
Who cares about Atlas? Cocoa is enough. 🙂 Can we change Rival Angels to just be about her? Can she end Brina’s career? 😛
(This is what Sabrina gets for not turning heel. 😉 )
You baaaaaaaad!
Don’t put it past Atlas or Cocoa to have some further punishment in mind for our little Ultragirl.
No way Al!!!
Now there’s a girl who know’s where the camera’s are…but still, BOOOOOOOOO! Bad Cocoa, naughty!
And FINALLY! Elite prove useful! They must have been totally shamed by the responce time of my Upstart Nation girls!
I think you’re right. 🙂
Wow…. I hate to say it, but what a two timing jerk Cocoa is. It would take a miracle for anyone to save Sabrina now. 🙁
The miracle isn’t that Elite is in time to save Sabrina but that they showed up at all.
I guess..
Sabrina will stay in BRA..
to get revenge…
now.. I want to ask Ultragirl, so called friends..
The likes of MO Chen and Samantha Sinclair..
where are you when Sabrina needed help..
Sabrina’s not out of BRA until we see her in RA. As for Dyna Mo and Sammie, they are busy across the ocean. XD
How do we know these two aren’t coming out to help out in the beat down? Its not like they truly ever got along with Sabrina to begin with. They all have their ups and downs since she’s been here. I hope for Sabrina’s sake they are here to help, but you never know…
Hahaha now THAT would be a swerve.. at the end thw girl who finally makes the save..NEKO!!!! “takkeee me withhh youuu” lol
Epic swerves.
Did anyone else hear the emperor’s waltz from star wars when cocoa (darth Brazilian) left the ring? I don’t agree she’ll stay, in fact that will lessen my opinion of her if she does, she cried and took a pretty nasty tongue lashing from Sun, she made her choice, choose who/what/where was more important. People get rushed all the time as a bon voyage, esp in wrestling… and her going back on a hard made choice just for revenge would be kinda silly to me. In fact, the best revenge she could get on Cocoa is to show her that her tantrum didn’t have an effect on Sabrina (even if it did).
just need Sun to stand over Brina and tell her “search your feelings, you know what i said about Cocoa to be true!”
Brina: “NOOOOOO!”
actually i take that back. Darth Yvonne would be upset over that gimmick infringement by either Sun or Cocoa. Though i will throw this out there.
Sun returns to DI.
Yvonne- guess what i signed a new talent while you were taking care of things in Japan. Meet your new stablemate- Cocoa Rococo.
Sabrina’s still nursing hard feelings over Brooke. Tough to say where Cocoa would fall in there.
LOL @ Yvonne hiring Cocoa. XD Yvonne should know better after dealing with the Syndicate.
The smart thing for Sabrina to do would be to get the fuck outta Japan as planned. If she wants a piece of Cocoa, BRA is not a good place to go looking for it, since Atlas would make sure the deck was always stacked against ‘Brina.
Even if Sabrina tried to make peace with Cocoa and Cocoa was receptive to that idea, Atlas would still make her life hell.
Fighting an enemy on their terms and their turf is generally a bad idea.
That is a very good observation. Would it be too cheeky to suggest that we’ve maybe not seen the last of Atlas?
She’s smiling because she just seized “top heel in the comic” status with both hands, (and put it in a double armbar!)
I have to say that Atlas does promote, enjoy and reward behavior like that.
If a big part of why she’s acting this way is due to Atlas’ influence, I’ll feel a lot better about this development.
Callie is right (for a change). Cocoa just replaced Black Widow as the #1 heel. So I predict she shows up at RA central. Maybe not right away, as in the next plane after Brina’s. But we’ll see her before too long.
I wonder though if she’s strong enough to be an independent heel or if she joins a stable. Wouldn’t it be a hoot to see her with the Dincs?
It would be interesting, but my sense of Yvonne is that she’s risk-averse. She doesn’t necessarily demand submissiveness from her Dinks, and is quite happy to profit from a framework of mutual self-interest, but she prefers to make calculated moves with outcomes she can predict and control. Cocoa’s a loose cannon. Now, the Belles? Kat Smith suborned herself to Chloe, and appears to have saddled herself with Brooke. She might be foolish enough to see the upside of bringing Cocoa into the fold (*cough*) without clearly grasping the downside.
And, “for a change”? I’m here for a change all right. Time to end your reign as champion.
Ha! Black Widow couldn’t get it done. And you’re no BW. But you’re ambitious and a dreamer and there’s a place for that. So keep on dreaming and maybe I’ll let you polish MY belt sometimes – like when you’re recovering from your lessons. .
You tell her Brenda!
That Belt needs to be nice and shiney when I get around to picking it up…
Then why do you want Brenda to hold onto it? On her it’s grown tarnished and gravy-stained, and she’s had to rivet on additional snaps to account for a growing waistline.
Oooooo *snaps a glance at GG* The Mouse that Roared?
And Callie I’ll pit my abs against yours anywhichway you want 😀
Deal. We’ll have a “Callie kicks them” abs contest. I’ll go first.
*sits down, cross-legged, brings my leg up, lotus style, and presses my heel up against my stomach. Stands back up.*
Your turn!
If you lost to SABRINA, then there is NO WAY you would beat Rua in RA. lol Get past Sabrina first, then MAYBE! lol
Yeah, except I HAVE beaten Sabrina.
More to the point, I’ve beaten BRENDA. That’s pretty unarguably the best indicator of whether I’m capable of beating Brenda.
True but so have Mo Chen. But within the world of RA, neither of you have beaten her. So there goes my point! lol
Callie Fears Chloe De Sade!!
just a rant..
coz Callie also fears Brenda Rua..
Yes, that’s why I pick fights with her all the time 😆
BW was really just a transitional #1 heel anyway. Someone to occupy the protagonist in the short term between the Chloe and Cocoa eras. Aside from size, Bitsy just really didn’t bring anything to the table.
No wonder she was such a perfect foil for you! 😀
I’ll see if I can get you a chance to tell her that to her face 😀
Oh Boss!!!!
LOLZ! I can safely say that we have NOT seen the last of our Bitsy. 🙂
I would LOVE Rua vs Rococo to happen ONCE Rococo comes to RA. or Rua vs Brooke or Sun. Callie is ok but too new in RA for instance World title match, same with Sammi. lol
So Sammi, is this a possible HEEL TURN for taunting the champ. lol
I’m too new but someone who’s never even been to RA gets a title match?
I just thought of another great idea…. Have Rococo come to RA with The Syndicate as their leader. That way, Rococo can be pushed as an major league heel with backup. Almost like a Heel Del Rio with say The Shield backing him up.
Or Rococo could go on her own and become a major heel just like Heelish Del Rio did. Battle Rua a lot for the title, just like Del Rio did with Sheamus during The Great White’s title reign.
I’m too new but someone who’s never even been to RA gets a title match?
Who u talking about? Widow & Yvonne been in RA longer then you. lol If your talking about Rococo, then I say have a #1 contenders match with her. It be like Heel Barrett vs Heel Del Rio. But sorry to say mu $$$ would be on Rococo because she beat Sabrina… unlike someone! *starts to run away like Speedy Gonzalez* lol
Cocoa vs Callie? Hmmm….
Would be a good one. Two of the best submission wrestlers, and of course two of the most attractive!
Cavalry is a tad late on this one.
Naturally. Why should the friends of a woman prone to getting jumped be ready and waiting at the gorilla position to help her?
Something is wrong with Elite.
it seems to me that ELITE has been pretty much useless during Sabrina’s entire time in Japan. Could it be because the HBIC is such an HB?
Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs! And Cocoa Turns!
And she did so with style. 😛
Seems to me like Cocoa’s setting herself up for some Locker room Jusctice. Cocoa’s just lucky that I don’t put my hands on women unless it’s part of match stipulations. Lets face it, Brina had a better backstage presence than Cocoa did. I might like to put in a request to the boss for a Japanese style Intergender match.
That’s the pain of it…MWA/BRA have a no-touch clause when it comes to the ladies for the men. 😛
Coca has clearly become the new Chloe DeSade. The villain to defeat. Her’s is a more evil kind of villain, though, since it’s the villain you don’t know.
Chloe never made any question about if she was evil or not.
I see Cocoa either being totally blacklisted to the point where she couldn’t even get a job in Billy-Joe-Bob’s Inbred Backyard Wrestling… OR, she may follow Sabrina back to Rival Angels, taking Chloe DeSade’s place as an Uber-Heel. It could go either way; I just hope that SunShine gets her teeth into Cocoa FIRST.
If she DOES end up in RA, she’d better come up with a new finisher!
Why would she be blacklisted, though? Effectively by saying “Atlas sends his regards” she indicated that she acted under boss’s orders. Atlas would totally sell her out, but at the same time it was on the show. Partly Cocoa is in Rival Angels as punishment, but as Sun described, part of it was for her own protection against much more vengeful wrestlers in her home country. Cocoa is probably fine and dandy in Japan.
full Face Heel Turn get!
I approve of this. Well done, Albone. Great pacing for this page
Thank you. 🙂
And here comes Elite, late to the party as always. Ah well. At least they bothered to show up this time, unlike last time Sabrina appeared to be on the receiving end of a beatdown. If Sun hadn’t been there that would have been as bad as this time around.
You know what I’d like to see? Bitsy’s reaction to someone trying to take her top heel spot. I’d imagine the reaction would be something like “Bitsy SMASH puny Cocoa!” 😀
And I kinda like Shamrox. It’s a shame she’ll probably stay in BRA when we move the focus back to RA. Kaci I’m not so bothered about. She hasn’t really gotten much of a chance to build a personality beyond being arrogant and abrasive, really.
Don’t worry about Bitsy. She knows how to handle her business or anyone trying to take it.
More Shamrox and Kaci on the way!
That last panel is confusing. So, the Elite girls run out. The Syndicate girls run off, but Cocoa just stands there? And neither Sham or Kaci lay a hand on her?
Ah, I was getting clever on this page. Panels 2 and 3 are one large background with a border break. Cocoa walks by Kaci and Shamrox because they’re too busy dealing with the Syndicate. The last panel is to signify…well, that she’s pretty happy with herself. The Boooo also gradually fades away the further she gets from the ring.