Amanda should’ve known better. You didn’t really think Hell’s Belles would go out like that did you? No good deed goes unpunished.

Rival Angels Graphic Novel #4!
Season One, Graphic Novel #4! Own your own very piece of Rival Angels, the webcomic that’s never missed an update in 4 years and 730 updates. 😀 Personalized, one-of-a-kind sketches are available!

Little Person among Media Giants
Kurt Sasso, creator of TGT Media and podcaster extraordinaire, is running an IndieGoGo campaign to get the funds necessary to make a documentary about all the behind the scenes work that goes into getting the interviews that he does. Many of you have tuned in when I’ve been a guest on the show and one of the perks you can get for supporting the project is the Rival Angels Box Set! Pick it up and help support Kurt!

Voting Incentive!
To the victors go the spoils. Vote to see what’s coming up on Friday!