Chapter 8-Page-3-Severance
Amanda should’ve known better. You didn’t really think Hell’s Belles would go out like that did you? No good deed goes unpunished.
Rival Angels Graphic Novel #4!
Season One, Graphic Novel #4! Own your own very piece of Rival Angels, the webcomic that’s never missed an update in 4 years and 730 updates. 😀 Personalized, one-of-a-kind sketches are available!
Little Person among Media Giants
Kurt Sasso, creator of TGT Media and podcaster extraordinaire, is running an IndieGoGo campaign to get the funds necessary to make a documentary about all the behind the scenes work that goes into getting the interviews that he does. Many of you have tuned in when I’ve been a guest on the show and one of the perks you can get for supporting the project is the Rival Angels Box Set! Pick it up and help support Kurt!
Voting Incentive!
To the victors go the spoils. Vote to see what’s coming up on Friday!
One thing Amanda forgot. If you gonna’ clean house, then make sure you watch’em leave!
Darn it! I did not see that coming. And now I’ve got two strays in my locker room.
*gets out my S5 and speed dials Mr Ogre, just getting a message. “Yo, Mr Ogre. I need a cookie! With milk. Better make it a double! Oh! And have Mr. Eliot Ness deliver. I think we’re about to have a gang war on our hands.
You never see it coming. I’ve left you laid out so many times you’d think I was paying for it.
Suggie we’re talking about the ring here – not the pub. But hey, I pass out; you do pay. Where’s the prob?
I know this is entertainment, but someone should keep these Hellbelles in line… I mean who know when their actions may have serious effect on a wrestler ? 🙁
Even though she now on a different team, maybe this match could convince Sun to rejoin the Upstarts and maybe make them a bit more of a permanent team instead of a rookie based team. Because it’s always safe to keep your friends close and your enemies closer and all that. 🙂
Beside it would be interesting to have Sun as temp leader to the Upstatrts at least until Sabrina comes home. 🙂
Payback’s a bitch, and so are they. 😀
I will never cease to amused by the creative rephrasing of “Quick, Run Away!”
Killer Rabbit! Run away!
Cheese it!
I admire Sammie. She just comes right out and says it. 😉
Sammie does not remember Kylie being so brave with that spider…
And Brooke did nothing. While one could say she was in no position to help given the fact she just had her ass handed to her, the fact remains, her only friend asked her, “You’d do the same for me, right?” and she did not.
I think Brooke had a moment of reality shock bitch slap her in the face. Being used and abused she is use to, being treated like she’s actually worth having as a freind when she’s not done anything to keep is never something she expects. So yeah, deer in head lights shock as the one person in the world who think of her as a freind gets hammered.
Because we all know Brooke would have bounced and tossed Amada to the side without even thinking about it- on the assumtion that Amanda would have done the same to her.
VI’s been the same “Brooke using krystin to push herself up” from the last couple updates- for me anyway.
and wait does this mean that Amanda stole Jen’s finisher by giving her a “nose job”? Belles seem to be at a bit of cross purposes
Kat: get her out of the ring
Jen: let’s get out of the ring!
but hey at least Brooke jumped in to help her friend out right? oh wait who’s that backed in the corner again? well she VOICED concern anyway- guess that’s progress by Brooke standards.
yeah for me three
So, Jen hits Amanda with a chair for giving her a nosebleed… does that mean she hits Kat with one every time she takes her shirt off?
lol i get it. the classic anime “hey someone i find hot just took their clothes off/i walked in while they’re getting dressed/just fell unconsicous and as i pulled myself up i found myself holding breasts” nosebleed.
…boys are weird.
Didn´t expect that to happen, but love it (sorry Amanda :)).
Damage Inc is going to lay some smack down…and perhaps the Upstarts will join forces once again for vengeance!
funny chapter..
Looks like a great intro for a match between Hell’s Belles and Damage, Inc.