Chapter 9-Page-14-Seesaw Battle
Both ladies are fighting their hearts off to be the #1 contender for the TV title. You also can’t forget that these two have a heated rivalry. Xtina wants to reverse her past performances and Sun wants to run up the score. Which side are you on?
Commission update!
Check out the latest Commission Monday post featuring some commission art I got with Sun and Xtina and a FAWN commission I did.
Rival Angels Graphic Novel #4!
Season One, Graphic Novel #4! Own your own very piece of Rival Angels, the webcomic that’s never missed an update in 4 years and 770 updates. 😀 Personalized, one-of-a-kind sketches are available!
Voting Incentive!
Is this the beginning of the end for our Lil Dragon? Vote to find out what’s coming up on Friday!
Flying knee… bitches!
Yeah that one connected. Even I’m hearing bells.
Nice action page. Keep it rolling!
Now that is a lot of back and forth!
Will do, and we still have the main event to look forward to.
Nice page, very nice teaser :D!
Loads of nice teasing. I hear tell when he puts out the comic book he might add in the deleted scenes.
Glad you are enjoying. 🙂
While nothing is set in stone, it seems to me that a knee to the chin like that should leave her KO’d.
Yeah, it’ snot like she’s Irish after all.
She’s Canadian by way of Spain!
They’re too evenly matched so sooner or later someone got to give up. 🙁
Lets hope that Sun can hold out for a little while longer to win.
Sun has edged out Xtina before, so she’s proven she can do it, but today’s a new day. Same result or different?
Sun’s looking amazing here. Solid techniques, and fun for the viewer. This match looks like one of those great matches that helps solidify the reputations of both competitors. Still a big fan of Sun, but also gaining more respect for Xtina.
Can I count you as one of the ‘Sunatics?’
She’s showing the best consistent striking technique that I’ve seen in Rival Angels. That kind of thing earns a special place in my heart, yes.
Seems Sun’s living up to that official spot in Team Octane I gave her. And it seems that Xtina’s submissions are having little to no effect, or she’s not holding them in long enough. That Canadian Backbreaker and Muffler stretch don’t seem to have done any lasting damage
We’re only seeing clips, Donny. The fact that Sun can still mount an offense doesn’t mean Xtina’s not doing it right. Maybe Sun is limping through this. Or maybe she fought her way free without taking more damage than she’s given. She’s showing us some really good strikes, committing her weight to each one. That’s got to be causing some problems for Xtina. The fact that Xtina’s using such great techniques without putting Sun away seems like a reason to admire Sun, not criticize Xtina.
This is the best part about leaving things vague, the reader can piece it together however they like. 🙂
ya know after panels 2 and 4 i’m kinda itching to see that move they did to melina and Cristy hemme where their opponnent bend them back and use their own foot to kick themselves in the head.
strategies seem apparent enough- as long as Sun can keep moving the advantage is hers. once they lock up it turns Xtina’s way. judging by the VI Xtina has figured that much out and is looking to take away the “moving” part of Sun’s offense. Sun’s not going to out wrestle Xtina, she needs to make strikes and it’s tough to do that one one leg given Sun’s lack of weight- she needs the velocity to make it hurt.
LOL, that reminds of when Kong would do that bendy thing to Mschif!
Sun prides herself on being faster than anyone else. Speed kills.
Kong did it to Christy a few times in Impact/TNA, Beth Phoenix did it to Melina that i’m remembering.
This is turning out to be all that it was built up to be. Congrats to both women. Great action. Great heart!
My money is on Xtina this time. Sun didn’t put her away early and is soon to be too busted up to do so. Or get out. She’s relied on speed to avoid getting locked into a finish solidly because she doesn’t have the technique. Soon she’s not going to have the speed either.
Loving all the action. A great set of panels.
Xtina will mark the spot with a sharpshooter and that’ll be the name of that tune.
Ouch! She just took a knee to the face!
Great 1 on 1 battle thus far.
Superior grappling would win out were it to stay that way, but I predict Damage Inc will come to Wong’s rescue and tip the scales.
Good point. Now, there are some submissions that are like tap or snap quick. Even if the goons are surrounding the ring they might not get in within time to interfere. But does she have any to pull out of the hat?
Xtina seems to like the holds that make you tap because they really really hurt more than the ones that make you tap because your knee is about to be ruined…
True. That’s the groan in the grunt n groan.
*Starts to sing “Those are a few of my favorite things…”
That sounds like my cue!
Cross-chops and punches and euro uppercuts
Trash-talking Brenda and just driving her nuts
Stiff kicks to the thigh making muscles sting
These are a few of my favourite things
Naive young good girls and scheming connivers
Crossfaces, Exploders, and Kudo Drivers
Pinning of shoulders down ’til the bell rings
These are a few of my favourite things
Hurricanranas and big flying splashes
Brainbusters, power bombs, and air raid crashes
Winning championship belts full of bling
These are a few of my favourite things
When you’ve tapped out
When you’ve lost and
When you’re feeling sad
You simply remember how awesome I am
And then you won’t feel so bad…
Okay, I still think you’re mean… but that’s pretty cool.
I excel in both of those fields 😀