Page 01 – The Beginning!
Hello and welcome to Rival Angels. It’s a story about a young woman and her journey to become a professional wrestler. I have been a wrestling fan for most of my life, but I was hooked in 1986 after seeing Sting in the UWF and NWA (which would go on to be WCW) and just fell in love with the characters, the storylines and the excitement of it all. To this day I watch WWE and TNA programing on TV, and try to catch some of the smaller promotions like SHIMMER when I can.
Interestingly enough, there’s not many wrestling webcomic/comics out there. Fallen Angels and Headlocked are the most recent ones and I’m sure there are a few more that I’ve forgotten. I hope Rival Angels is something that you’ll enjoy reading and stick around with. I plan on doing this for a long time.
With some help from some great people, Verónica Rosado with the colors and some editing pointers from my guys Justin Riley (Workshed Studio, Inside Flap)and Dan Head (Bronx Angel, Friday Mad Science), I’ve been able to take this idea and make it real. The pencils/ink and writing (mostly) are all me, so please let me know what you think about well…everything and anything.
Rival Angels will be published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Please feel free to post any questions, comments or concerns.
Don’t be shy now! Post your comments, questions and feedback!
Interesting idea. I don’t think I’ve seen a wresting webcomic yet. Honestly I haven’t watched wrestling in years and pretty much lost interest, so when I checked the link it was more out of curiousity. But I like your art plus you have an RSS feed, which is a must for me nowadays, so I’m going to stick around and give it a shot.
The comic certainly has a grabbing opening!
I’m glad that you dig it, and giving it a chance to impress.
Glad you’re taking advantage of the RSS, very cool.
Great comic. Anything that helps promote Women’s Wrestling is great. I thank you for sharing your talent with us.
It’s my pleasure and I thank you for checking out Rival Angels!
Like “Jacob” i to was curious about “Rival Angels”.I was browseing a wrestling forum, the divas section and notice this.Damn! i’m hooked and i’ve only read the first page.Sting , booker t, is the reason i love wrestling.You are an amazing artist and keep doing your thang lol.
Hm… I’m liking the art here better than in the present…
Maybe I’m bit obsessive about this, but I think I would see the comic better if the blue girl had her ankle turn some degrees clockwise and her supporting foot toward “us”, counter-clockwise. Just my observations.
I’ve heard of this comic for a while, but this is my first time reading it. So far, I like what I see!
Glad to have you onboard and the archives are open 24/7, so take your time, we’ll be here. XD