Page 54
When it looks like Sabrina gets a reprieve, she gets hit with Krystin’s finishing move, the DivaBreaker! You can see it here on YOUTUBE.
We have another loving exchange, this time between Sun and Brooke. Of course, this could be payback of sorts for Sun, as Brooke was getting the better of their exchanges.
Now with Krystin, you almost get the feeling that she’s been purposely holding back and waiting for the right time to strike, ala Mr. Perfect. And yeah, looks like lights out for Sabrina and Krystin seems pretty happy about that. But the fans are letting Krystin know that they’re not cheering her on.
And do you see the look on Krystin’s face in panel 3? Â Like a kid on Christmas morning.
If any of you are in the Milwaukee area, I’ll be doing free sketches on Saturday for Free Comic Book Day at Lost World Of Wonders! I’ll be there from 1pm-3pm along with my cohort, Radames Malave Jr.
AND if that isn’t enough, Randy and I will also be at the Oconocon this Sunday, all day. We’ll have comics, and we’ll have sketches and we’ll be looking forward to seeing some familiar faces. Can you dig it?
WAHAHAH!!THE Divabreaker, this is one Devastating move, not only the divabreaker. before the divabreaker, Krystin execute the backbreaker then the divabreaker. GREAT Execution,. two moves before the cover. Great Job, Krystin.
I will say this to Krystin, “Krystin is definitly the definition of technician”
Why is Sun called Brooke “cloverfield”?
If Krystin pinned Sabrina after the divabreaker, the referee is busy checking Sun and Brooke (Panel 1) Krystin notices that there’s no referee, she stand up and approaches the referee tell him, I will cover, but then Sun will notice that Krystin is preparing to cover Sabrina. Sun will release Brooke and then dropkick Krystin out of the ring, then Brooke kicked Sun on the mid-area and deliver a vertebreaker, Brooke will cover Sun. then Sabrina will make the save.
If the referee saw Krystin pinned Sabrina, I say 1.2.3. Light’s out on Sabrina. coz Sun will be busy on Brooke. I hate to say this but, Krystin call blabb her mouth all day, and all year long, on the apartment, on the area, locker room, Krystin will say “I just Sabrina “Ultragirl” Mancini”
or maybe Krystin will say ” I just pinned that Barbie Bitch”
The danger is after the bell ring, will the Hell’s Belle made their appearance and kick the living hell out Sabrina, maybe recruiting Brooke and Krystin on Hell’s Belle.
I have a feeling that, this grudge won’t end up easily. Sun and Sabrina VS Brooke and Krystin. since Brooke really hates Sun for interfering the count, and hates Sabrina because on that incident happen. Krystin blabbs her mouth on Sabrina. and Sun dominates Krystin on this fatal four.
Turn on event on Sun, (panel 1) Sun saves Sabrina, the audience cheers Sun, recalling episode 44, the audience Booooo’ed Sun. now they’re booo’ing Krystin, the audience really wants Sabrina to win. I remember on E.C.W. when Edge, speared John Cena and then R.V.D. dominates and the win. the audience screaming “THANK YOU, EDGE!!”
I love it. Not only does Krystin use the Implant DDT, she uses the Lacey combo. That makes her my favorite of the four at this point.
Damn it! that was awesome an implant ddt(i have no idea, what that is)but it was awesome lol.Once again, awesome job.I literally felt like i was at a wrestling even….live.Lol
MGC, glad you liked the page! Krystin is starting to shine. Interesting observations, I hate that we have to wait til Monday to see what happens next. Glad you caught the attitude of the crowd with their cheers and boos, and really the crowd generally is behind Sun more than against her. I remember that ECW One Night Stand, it was very cool!
Cloverfield was a movie that came out in January that starred a big ugly alien monster, so Sun is calling Brooke, a big ugly alien monster, which of course, Brooke objects to.
Adam, that’s cool as hell that you caught the Lacey finisher. Man, Lacey is cool as hell.
Prince Charming, you can check out the Implant DDT with the YOUTUBE link that’s in the first paragraph of my post above and it’s wicked. Thanks for the compliments, I’m thrilled that you liked the page.
And Krystin wins this match. I seriously doubt Sabrina will be able to kick out of this, depending on how Krystin covers her. As for Sun and Brooke they are out of it and I doubt will become involved. A very interesting outcome and one only ten very loyal voters (as of this message) had thought of.
If Sun releases Brooke from the sleeper/scissors hold, then she will have to deal with a weakened Krystin but a very angry Brooke behind her. Brooke could always try to crush Sun between herself and a corner turnbuckle and I have a feeling that should happen regardless, considering the Cloverfield remark.
This brings a thought to mind. The Sabrina character is going to have x-rays for compressed vertebrae in her neck. She will be in no shape to do much of anything at the “Rookie House” and Krystin will surely taunt her. Also might there be some form of revenge/practical joke against one or more Rookies outside of the ring?
Post Script: The Cloverfield monster was not scare in any way outside of the creature’s supposed size. More fear of being stepped or sat upon than anything else. Or maybe lots of bad breath.
Also I can see Brooke and Krystin as a tag team in the future, but I just cannot see Sun in a tag team of any sort, too much of a lone wrestler. Sabrina in a tag team maybe, but with a yet to be introduced character, unless it is the veteran character that helped her in her first match.
Hey Alan, nice page and what a turn of events, although i have to admitt im kinda hoping Krystin doesnt Win at this point.. i dont think she deserves it
I didnt think you updated on Fridays?
Oh man, this is awesome! Diva Breaker for the win! Its a shame i dont live in Milwaukee, I would so hit that comic shop and get a sketch of Sabrina doing her falcon splash!
Nice Implant. Edge couldn’t’ve done it better… I can’t watch the youtube at work… where are you getting the clips?
Oh man, Sabrina! Poor girl’s gettin the BEAT down!!
Hmmmmmm any chances you all are traveling to Wizard World in Philly at the end of the month??
Mike I agree, I don’t think Sabrina is kicking out of this one. And things are definitely going to heat up after the match, so be sure to keep an eye on how that evolves. You got some great ideas about where this match is going, I’m only sorry we have to wait until Monday to find out!
Thanks Adam! Krystin’s not the most popular as evidenced in the poll so I can understand where you’re coming from. Fridays are an update day, so I’m glad you caught it.
Mel, maybe sometime down the line we’ll meet up and I’ll get you that Sabrina sketch.
Glad you liked the Diva Breaker!
Thanks Jamie. The clips are from Youtube, just doing a search and trying to find the coolest looking ones. This particular clip couldn’t be embedded or else I would have had it with the initial post.
Hey Hannah! Yeah, Sabrina’s catching an awful beating. I’m looking forward to showing you some of the drawings I’ve been working on with the every cool stock of yours. I won’t be at Wizard World Philly this year, but hopefully next year. I will be at the Chicago Wizard World at the end of next month, but I’m thinking you won’t be making that commute.
Like Mike Bishop stated “compress vertebrea on her neck” that’s kinda leave a mark on Sabrina. that could be a carrier ending for Sabrina, it’s kinda sad.
if Krystin won’t go for the win, she might just eliminate Sabrina from the rooster, I mean retire her early. after the divabreaker, there’s a possible, Krystin will apply crippler crossface or regal strech or even S.T.F.U. that will injure more on Sabrina. if that happen, Sabrina will tapout, then the referee will count for the release, but then the decision will be reverse, which Sabrina for the win, but even though with the win, Sabrina is totally injuried. I say not clear to wrestle, let say for six months, maybe a year.
what if Krystin already won, Brooke and Krystin looked eye to eye, then suddenly Brooke will deliver a vertebreaker on Sabrina. that’s dangerous, then Brooke and Krystin keep on kicking Sabrina.
three choices can be made here, Sun can help Sabrina. even though Krystin and Brooke will kick Sun’s butt.
or Sun can just walk away, leave Brooke and Krystin kicking the living hell out of Sabrina, that’s way, the audience might boooo her again.
or Sun just kick the living hell out of Sabrina too.
I JUST HOPE…SUN CAN INTERUPT THE COUNT AGAIN…even though I’m not a Sabrina..
if that happen
I really wish this episode won’t end yet.. it’s still a long shot..
Could this, one of Sabrina’s fear. I mean Sabrina fears Loretta Diaz, and now Sabrina fears Krystin.
Will Sabrina will fear Krystin and Brooke?
it’s just my opinion, I don’t think a fatal four loss isn’t much. the painful loss is the one on one match, coz there’s no doubt a loss is a loss while in fatal four a loss here, is like they dominate because other inflicted damage on a wrestler then the other wrestler just capitalized the weaken wrestler and for the win. Just like Randy Orton did on Wrestlemania. if Krystin wins here, I won’t really can say that Sabrina, Sun and Brooke loss and will make 1-1 for Sabrina and 0-2 for Sun and Brooke.
I’m sure one of those girls demand a rematch one on one.
Please it be won’t Brooke VS Sun..Brooke will destroy Sun..
A compressed vertebrae can be serious, but I doubt it would be a career ending injury, unless it was not treated. Basically they would treat the injury with pain medicine, physical therapy and steroids might be injected into a person’s spine to help speed recovery.
Now considering some of the posts that wanted to see the Sabrina character dropped on her head repeatedly, that could easily snap the characters neck, where a compressed vertebrae would just be pain in the neck, chest, shoulders and their arms. They might even lose feeling in their hands and/or fingers. Depending on how bad the damage to the neck would be, and the possible treatment, the character might recover or be a paraplegic for the rest of their life. Either way the character would suffer greatly.
Yeah, Lacey is great. If you watch her entrance on SHIMMER Vol. 14, I’m the guy whose sign she tears up.
Damn it, Alan! If you were going to WW Philly, that’d give ME an excuse to go!
Wow, digging the discussion on Sabrina’s head and neck and how it seems to be a target. There’s a lot riding on this match for all of the girls involved.
Adam, I’ll make sure to check it out. Lacey is the awesome.
Dan, I’m going to try and swing a trip to the NY Con and WW Philly next year. I’m hoping that people will want a print/souvineer edition of Rival Angels.
I know ill be wanting some Rival Angels merchandise next year! Hopefully something comes up before. Hey, are you available for commissions?
Hey Mel! Depending on how things go, I should have the first 34 pages in print format by this summer. I’m also looking into some separate prints, and maybe even T-shirts.
I am available for commissions, the only thing is that I’m not very speedy, but I’m actually doing two pictures of Sabrina vs. Tifa Lockheart! Drop me a line at
And MGC had a great idea of doing some wallpaper too, which I’m working on at the moment.