Page 184 – Signature Moves
Oh snap! Sara got a tad too froggy and missed her signature move, the After School Special! Xtina has a chance now to put Sara away. Its not over yet though, Sara might be able to get to the ropes, counter the hold, or even something else.
Check out the Youtube clips below of not only the After School Special, but also the Scorpion Deathlock.
Have you been by the Rival Angels forum lately? The gals that I based the world champion, Brenda Rua and Snowkitten (one half of the Catgirls) have decided to join us on the boards. Come check it out, its frickin hilarious.
New voting incentive this week, none other than the World Champion herself, Brenda Rua.
I knew she was gonna blow the A.S.S and land her cute butt ;.; lol. Looks like it’s over for the Sassy one. I just hope she makes it to the ropes, if she goes 0-2 in the story I’ll be devastated ;.;.
first of all.. The Voting incentive.. YEAH!! My top 6 favorite angel.. “Celt Warrior” Brenda Rua.. Damn!! She’s looks powerful.. is that a chainmail brassier, she’s wearing?
She looks different from episode 30? I donm’t know
Panel 1: what a dropkick.. hahahha.. Look at Xtina’s face.. ahhahah.. ah? is Xtina wanna cry.. hahahhah
Panel 2: Whoooaahh!.. So some of the audience do cheer for “Sassy Schoolgirl” Sara Valentine. looks like Sara is posing there, taunting wasting time even.. “Canadian Bacon” I eat those for dinner and on midnight snack.. Jeff said ” Canadian Bacon suck..” ah? he don’t eat bacon? I disagree on Dawn. XTINA DO SUCKS!!!
Panel 3-5: Finisher!! As I thought, “Sassy Schoolgirl” Sara Valentine miss. and Xtina took the chance for the sharpshooter.. as I comment it on episode 182.. Yare Yare!
I like the angle and flow.. just one question.. on episode 181. Victoria Buckingham’s finisher wasn’t much detail and angle on it, but I like the reaction on Josephine’s york in pain. while here, put a nice angle shot.. I hope more shots, I mean like a camera milli second shot, specially on powermoves.. The high flying moves are well done already.
Panel 4: Xtina again.. like a face, she signal it for the fans.. BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! BOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Panel 5: “Scorpion Deathlock?” it change? I know “Sharpshooter and Scorpion Deathlock” is the same move, “Sharpshooter” by the Harts.. Owen and Bret.. “Scorpion Deathlock” by Sting. but on her profile in TVchampionship, it’s said “Sharpshooter” which is true?
Maybe call it “Canadian Bacon Lock”
It’s kinda sad to “Sassy Schoolgirl” Sara Valentine lose here. last monday night she already loss to Sun. then here, to this no good Xtina Carpenter.. then if she lose here, we won’t ever see “Sassy Schoolgirl” Sara Valentine again..very sad indeed..
There are “Sassy Schoolgirl” Sara Valentine fans too..
I agree.. Nappaandvegeta..
0-2 it’s Sad for Sara Valentine, coz one thing she’s not the main character and 0-2.. that means we’ll never see her again..
maybe a make a “Dragonball” wish for Sara Valetine to win..
There’s maybe one more trick.. if “Sassy Schoolgirl” Sara Valentine to win..
1. if Sarah Valentine, pushed her body up, it will maybe off balance Xtina. I remember it, when Bret Hart countered the sharpshooter in which Owen Hart applied it to him. Wrestlemania X
2. If Sara Valentine, flexible enough, Sara can rolled herself and pin Sara Valentine.. it’s hard but, it’s not impossible..
3. Sara is near the ropes, use it..
there’s also a possibility of interferance though.. since the referee is checking on Sara Valentine.. maybe some angels come and aid Sara or maybe have a grudge against Xtina.. and threw a power on Xtina’s eyes.. like Mr. Fuji to Hulk Hogan, and also to Bret Hart.. hahhaha
or maybe it’s a trick.. I remember Eddie Guerrero did to Kurt Angle. Eddie Guerrero made his boots untied then when Kurt Angle ankle lock.. Kurt Angle just shock that Eddie Guerrero escape, then Eddie rolled up and pin Kurt.. hahah..
Maybe Sara Valentine made her boots loosen too so when it comes to the sharpshooter, Sara can escape.. heheh…
lol, if I actually had the dragonballs I would wish for the upset. And your right, since she’s not a main character, she’ll likely be buried. I just have a bad feeling she’s done since nonSab. matches don’t last to many pages and this one has already went 3, 4 will likely be the end results, but or good for the Sassy one -_-.
*bad or good
I’m hoping for Xtina at this point! If only because I love her costume.
My god Xtina looks hot.
They still both look very sloppy with plenty of unforced errors going on over there. Xtina for example not bothering to check to see how close she is to the ropes. Could be the end of her I’m afraid.
Sara to win but I don’t see how either of them could be good enough to win the TV Title anyway. Qualify my prediction to “Sara to win but to also job in the next round.”
Wow NappaandVegeta, you have some serious love for Sara! Win or lose, I’m sure we’ll see more of Sara Valentine (and Xtina).
MGC, I see you’re a fan of Sara as well. Cool page layout, I always enjoy these as well as seeing how swept up in the action you get. Sharpshooter is what Xtina calls her signature move, but Scorpion Deathlock is what its being called. There’s no difference between the moves. Sharpshooter was just to play up her Canadian angle. As far as what happens next, those are all some good guesses.
Ha ha Coyote Lovely, that’s a fine reason to support a wrestler. XD And she’s doing well for your support.
Prestwick, she’s hot like lava! Both girls are pretty tired out, which accounts for some of the sloppiness, but there certainly have been mistakes. Judging from the responses, next page is going to be big! Will Sara escape?
Another well done episode, well composed, drawn, and presented.
Panel one: I take this to be an unconventional point of view: looking upward from under the mat. Very intense with the ‘power lines’ radiating out like that. Sara’s name calling is a real insult, kinda funny it’s coming form a girl who’s dressed like a slut.
Panel two: the crowd has sorta changed sides, that happens when someone looks to lose big Real Soon. Jeff is, as always, Jeff.
Panel three: Ouch! Even with the mat that kind of impact is gonna hurt. The crowd is really taking off with all this slam bang action.
Panel four: what can I say, Wrestling “Twister”? Looks like Xtina is giving a lecture… ” First step, tie your opponent’s legs around your left side…”
Panel five: I’m not sure I understand… I though the goal in wrestling was to pin the other’s shoulder blades to the mat, or is Xtina using a pain hold to get a tap out? After thinking about it a while I realize it’s the second option.
You tube clips: I enjoy seeing these. They give an idea how fast the action is as well as what it looks like. An extra bonus is we see what a wrestling match looks like on TV; I suppose I should tune in to one sometime but I like Rival Angels better.
Well, Alan, to answer your question of a couple eps back, I’m a fan of both versions of Battlestar Galactica. The 70’s version was a product of its time; I feel most of the episodes have held up well. The 2003+ BSG is more dark and grim, problems like food supply are addressed frequently while in Classic BSG they had more problems with fuel. New BSG will get some sort of closure, in Classic BSG Glen Larson thought there was going to be a second season so he didn’t have a chance to wrap it up. Deep down I just know Lorne Greene led the fleet to Earth and it is a technically advanced world that can easily brush off the Cylons. I think Greene and Edward James Olmos were the best choices to play the respective visions of Commander Adama.
Ummm, just an observation: for me, the special text effects buttons have vanished, that is no italics or boldface or other buttons. Were they supposed to do that? I scrolled around to see if they just appeared somewhere else, and nope, they’re gone.
Hey RDF! I love your page analysis. And glad you caught the irony of Sara’s insult. XD Your instincts are correct with Xtina’s submission move, she’s looking to make Sara tap. It remains to be seen if Sara will. She could still reach the ropes, reverse/escape or of course, something else could happen. Or she could submit. Sometimes the YouTube clips really help out because I know not all of the readers are wrestling fans, gives an idea of what’s happening. Glad you liked the page!!
I’ve always heard good things about BSG and just never had the time to check it out. I may check them out now on DVD though as I can watch them at my leisure.
Sorry about the Comments menu disappearing, it should be back now.
?? You’re all that and a super-size bag of chips.