Page 613 – Grand Entrance
They’re starting to leave marks on each other and what an odd thing for Sabrina to say in the last panel. I mean, there was only one other person that referred to people like that.
Voting Incentive!
Ah, the cavalry to the rescue. Things have to be looking up in the voting incentive, right?
Wow! Well, I think Sabrina’s getting herself in potentially bad trouble with management for the first time. Brooke may have started it, but…let’s face it…management tends to look on *both* parties in a brawl as guilty. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.
Not quite. Sabrina will get a warning but she’s a draw so we’ll probably see her punishment in the form of “we’re disappointed in you’re behavior” things. Brooke, well, she isn’t so she may very well be screwed.
Of course since this is not taking place on official time or property it might be harder to punish anyone.
It’s all good points here. As much as some are enjoying the catfight, the principal players are not coming out ahead here, including the bride and groom.
Hey boss, how did Sabrina get her shoes back on in panel 1?
Where is Adrian Monk when yoiu need him to find little things like that?
Whoops! I’ll to take those out for the print edition. O_o Glad I got you watching my back!
I say someone still has some mental battle scars from that “I quit” match still lingering. Looks like Brooke might be sporting the Codey Rhodes fashion line of masks and paper bags after this. I do find it funny that it was Sabrina earlier evening trying to get everyone to be less catty.
Yes it is kind of funny. And now Albone will have to remember to draw Brooke with a crooked nose.
I’ve purposely drawn Brooke with a big nose…maybe she’ll use this opportunity to get a new one? 😉 Yeah, the mental scars are showing and the way this is shaping up, the ramifications of this will last into Season 2.
Not only are their clothes staying on, they haven’t even been ripped yet. On the other hand, they’ve lost their shoes, their fancy hairdos, and I swear Sabrina broke a nail with that last punch.
Noooooo !!!! not a nail.
Nails are rough, unless they’re acrylic. Then, they’re not coming off for anything.
Their dresses should be down around their waists and they haven’t even begun biting eat other yet.
I don’t think they are biters. I on the other hand do bite, right Brenda?
Yeah, no question there. I’m hoping muzzles become fassionable soon.
I could see them both biting, but probably not for a little while still. The girls know how to dress and weren’t looking for easy removal, no matter how good the prospects were. XD
Yeah, Brooke should have take Sabrina advice and just stayed down for both of their sakes. 🙁
Now I wonder who will stop this fight before it gets too worse ? 🙁
The cake or the bride will end the fight.
Maddie might have to involve herself if she wants to salvage this disaster of a wedding (remember the bathroom scene).
or the cake on the bride…
Wow, can you imagine if that happened?!
I doubt the cake or the bride would stop it. I’m sure it will be Gabby and some other wrestlers putting a good restraint on them. Ooo her poor nose! A broken nose is not fun at all. Just hope for her sake it’s just a broken bone and not the cartilage detatched. (I’ve had both from catching a girl alone in cheerleading) No fun! Now Brooke will have to save up for a nose job. I think this will be a good wake up for Sabrina on some bad habits she picked up when she snaps. Yep, these girls are the bad kind of catty. Young or not, this is getting painful to watch. Keep it in the ring, out of the ring have some class. Like how Krystin helped Sara after their match it reflected wonderfully back on her to the audience. Though yes I understand some really like heels…but come on!
Yeah, this spiraled out of control as soon as Sabrina went over the ledge. Brooke’s got an excuse now if she wants to get a nose job. 😛 They’re both young and have a lot to learn about their emotions but I do see them learning from this, of course, the consequences remain to be seen.
This is totally unrealistic. There should be one guy, cake in one hand, beer in the other, jumping up and down and yelling.
Let the shock wear off.
The people attending know that ‘marking out’ like that…in front of lady wrestlers and the organization would be a very bad faux paux.
To be fair Sabrina did not start this, and tried at two different times to just walk away.
She did but what’s going to happen when the dust settles? Michael will be in a bad spot, no matter what and the mercy of Maddie and to an extent, Gabrielle.
yeah but does anyone inside that just saw them crash through the door know that Brina tried to step away Tiffany? all it looks like is that Brina is beating the hell out of brooke- who will now need to challenge Jen needeles over the right to use the finisher “the nose job”- and i’m sure Brooke’s not the one to step up and say that she started it. and now judging by the the rushing backwards background of the VI- Krystin and Sun are running over to end the brawl.
A case of She says/she says? XD Maddie will have an interesting take on this, since she can surmise that this started just shortly after her ‘talk’ with Brooke.
Jeez, Sabrina and Brooke – you are both stupid and will be in jail soon. I wonder who will post bond first?
If the cops weren’t involved in the alley way beatdown, then I wouldn’t expect them here. Expect much worse than the cops, especially for one of them. 😉
Yeah, ’cause the cops can bust you, but management can take away your JOB.
After these last two pages, in the words of Joey Styles its…
Now that is is in front of just about EVERYONE. I hope both of them are very proud of themselves for acting like a bunch of petty children. All it would have taken was for one of them to maturely end this by pinning the other down and talking some sense into them, instead its come to this. I really don’t feel any sympathy for either of them at this rate.
It is a full on spectacle now, isn’t it? Things weren’t so serious when it was just the two of them beating each other up, but this is something else. As for maturely pinning one down, it’s sort of their vocation to NOT let that happen. 😛
RAWF makes a good point. A solid plant school girl pin always works for me in letting them know who is boss.
Ummmm… I mean see the right point of view.
No… ummm.. I mean calm down. Yeah, that’s it.
Not everyone has your skill in applying such a wicked hold. 😉
Wow, they busted this party up good. Best wedding ever!
Give in to your hate, Sabrina. Join the dark side.
Darth Yvonne would love to have her!
I’d have to agree with Sabrina that Brooke’s a cow, She likes to flaunt her prominant udders and milks her exceptional bedroom skills to make up for her abyssmal in-ring skills
That’s a great way to look at it. LOL I think she was channeling De Sade, just a little bit.
Yeah Brooke should change her career to ring girl or call girl I’m sure she’d do much better at it.
I think she would excel at either. XD
You know, Brenda with that block, I surprise that Sabby just didn’t right hand chop Brooke in the chest before that big right fist.
Finally getting an opportunity to post on this one.
Seriously disagree with posters like RAWF. There is only one point at which Sabrina might have ended this fight by walking away, and it would have painted a “victim” tag on her so large that people would be lining up to walk all over her. Brooke is acting childish, yes, but Sabrina had no choice but to respond to violence with violence.
Not sure what’s going on in panels 2 and 4. In 2, Brooke’s kneeing Sabrina in the belly, but pulling her head back and away? Wha? In panel 4, I’m not sure what Brooke was going for – a punch to the chest, from the dialogue? – but it doesn’t look like Sabrina blocked it. It looks like she has the fight won with a standing armbar, if she follows through and sinks to her left knee. Brooke is way out of position to resist. Sabrina clearly doesn’t do that, so why the rather complex ‘block’?
Technical fighting issues aside, a very fun page.
Brooke was trying to even up for the bewb punch, but Sabrina’s block/parry/dodge thingy is very confusing. Had she just upper arm blocked the swing, her right hand punch would make more sense, otherwise her left arm should be either chopping Brooke’s chest or working for an armbar.
Sadly, the last panel as much as I love Sabrina’s expression doesn’t show you what’s happening. I’m guessing that she is holding Brooke’s hair and laying in punches but her right arm isn’t moving at all.
Brooke was going for tit-for-tat in panel 4, but Sabrina blocked it. As for why she didn’t chop Brooke…the goal was the punch in the nose and the chop would’ve pushed Brooke back a bit…maybe out of range. Panel 2 is a random hairpull (to keep the catfight motif alive) and a knee to the gut. I don’t mind telling you that I used reference for that panel too. 😉
Panel 2, to me, looks like Brooke’s being kinda sweet. Pulling Sabrina’s head AWAY from Brooke, rather than toward her, into the knee. Just because you’re fighting somebody doesn’t mean you want to hurt them, after all. Or something.
As for panel 4, I still don’t understand why Sabrina’s in that position if she doesn’t mean to follow up with a standing armbar. What she’s doing isn’t a block, in any way I can look at it. It does look remarkably like a hapkido-style counter you can use in any situation where you find yourself on the outside of an overextended arm. It’s taught to most beginning TKD students as “belt grab defense, number one” or some variant thereof. Looks like a textbook execution, in fact, except that the next panel doesn’t have Brooke’s face in the ground and Sabrina locking out the arm. I prefer to use my forearm instead of my tricep, but, y’know, use the fulcrum that is nearest.
This was a great page. But…when does the action start? 😉
Jan 2, 2012. XD
those look like akido moves Bree is doing
Aikido? Interesting. I don’t see any of the classic locks or tosses. No circlese, big or small. A whole bunch of strikes though. Well ok, lots of jiggle too *raises an eybrow at Mo* 😛
Looks more like basic hapkido, in panel 4, though I’ve seen variants in a couple other styles. I’m not too familiar with aikido specifically, but from what I know of the principles, the technique that Sabrina looks like she’s using in panel 4 could definitely have an equivalent. But apparently, that’s a block…
Yep, I agree Mo *winces, looking at you sideways
I jus’ realized that Maddie’s bridesmaids are wearing the worst shade of green on the planet! So glad I wasn’t asked!
Last time I was a groomsman, I got stuck with a pink tie. I told the groom that, in the event I ever get married, I’m paying him back with lavender.
Well if Brooke didn’t have such great bone structure those shots to the face wouldn’t be repariable by the semi-best plastic surgens around.
I just noticed that’s a really nice floor. Been distracted by the girls fighting. Also, I don’t really like the pink, green, white Maddie chose for her wedding colors.
Thanks, Vekara. 🙂