Page 22 – Steady Control
Not one of Sabrina’s better showings. Can she regain control or will Cocoa keep up the pressure to victory?
Voting Incentive!
Something for Sabrina fans to cheer about? Vote to see what’s coming up on Friday!
It’s the start of a new month and that means all of the rankings reset giving everyone a chance to climb the charts. Voting is a great way to support Rival Angels (and is free) and also spread the word about the girl wrestling drama we gots going on around here. To help sweeten the pot, so to speak, I’ve included in the voting incentive, an awesome commission I got from Anii Stoll when I was sitting next to her at Anime Central (which I’ll have a proper con report up soon). So vote to see what’s coming up on Friday AND an awesome sketch from a super cool artist.
Come on girl, build up some momentum…MOMENTUM!
…Huh…Victoria was right…that is easier to say outside the ring…hmm…
Get her girl!
Yes it is easier to say things outside the ring.
You should have seen last night before Brenda’s big fight with a sheep…I was a Kitten gone wild.
Shw was, too. I think someone spiked the bowl of milk…
I miss Chatzy! As soon as I get some free time, I’ll be sure to stop by.
Marina would be pulling her hair out right now…if she were on the same continent.
Seems like Coco is hurting herself more than Sabrina is…
I agree and I did try to warn her not to do the jump.
So far…it’s Cocoa’s fight to lose.
Yes! She rolled! Just like I told her! Then she… pulled her hair? Um. Got to do a bit more damage before you can (wo)manhandle them like that, ‘Brina. Now, reverse the irish whip. (I should be her manager)
I like whips.
Though I do agree with you and the hair pull up, never do a move like that while your opponent has lots of fight left in them.
Miss Kitty does like whips
You’d make a fine manager too. Excellent advice.
And who *doesn’t* like whips?
Interesting. I think Coco is one of Sabby’s more intriguing opponents yet, not because she hates her like Kat Smith or De Sade, but because she’s apparently just interested in showing her up, demonstrating her wrestling superiority, and just plain winning. Also she’s sexy as hell. Seems like Sabrina can learn a lot from her Japanese internship.
I the ring all is fair and yet Coco….except for the opening move….has been playing pretty fair.
Sabrina is definitely taking notes. Glad you are enjoying the dynamic where the girls aren’t at each others throats, though still be highly competitive.
I got to say I would be surprised if after this fight, we find out more about Coco’s background story.
I’m just saying this because she seems so evenly match with Sabrina move per move.
Cool more back ground information. I wonder do you think Coco could be Sabrina but from an alternate dimension?
Like in Fringe! Sabrina and Cocoa are alternates! XD
Marcus, Lora and I have talked about what Cocoa’s origins are and how they should be presented, but in the interest of time, we’re going to move a little more forward than recap anything. That’s not to say we won’t find out more about Ms Rococo, but not quite originy.
Cocoa hits a road bump, but keeps up the offensive. I’m impressed. Dismayed, but also impressed.
I wasn’t all that enthusiastic when the match started, but yeah, I’m becoming more and more of a Cocoa fan. Sabrina will always be my favorite, and then, of course, Brenda, but I think Cocoa may have already overtaken Sun’s spot on my list…
I know where you’re coming from and can appreciate the sights. And there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the work of both ladies. I find myself in that spot more often than not. Of course, the VI might have some interesting developments…
This is one my favorite recent matches. Thanks Albone
bah…always go with the logic, always go with the logic…because i knew that we knew brina would be rolling out of the way that clearly meant that brina wasn;t going to get out of the way but she did. i must be Sicilian…
and brina, panel 4 i think is a clear demonstration that you better start working out those abs girl. Cocoa nearly caved you in with that gutshot.
alas for team Cocoa, she makes the mistake of giving the high flier both momentum and distance with the irish whip. not sure if it’s into the corner (VI implies a reversal if so) or into the ropes (a few extra panels to reach the VI) . and brina, whatever you do seeing Cocoa like that. Do NOT, under ANY circumstances…go for a stinkface. that reminds me of the Kelly-bot 5000 and that is never a good thing. i may have to put Brooke ahead of you on my list if you go that route… <makes threatening gestures…then remembers that’s like telling brina “hey do this!”>
One of the worst things about updating like I do is that the opportunity to overthink things is always there. XD Sabrina’s getting to be known for her striking ability but Cocoa knows how to throw a punch too. We might need a shovel to dig her fist back out.
Sabrina is a stubborn gal and is known to do the opposite of what you want! lol And not to ruin anything, but I don’t think we’ll ever see Sabrina use the stinkface. In fact, I don’t think we’ve seen that move yet, have we in Rival Angels?
don’t recall ever seeing a stinkface in RA but between Kelly-bot and Tessmacher (much better of the two despite much less in-ring time) in TNA everytime i see someone slumped in the corner like that that’s the first thing that comes to mind.
Ooh, I like me some Tessmacher. Hmmmmm, as odd as this may seem, I just can’t imagine a time when a stinkface would be appropriate.
Good to see Cocoa being able to think on her feet and come up with some good reversal tactics. That belly punch looked BRUTAL! Although the voting incentive on Friday has me a hint nervous. Come on Cocoa! You can DO it!
Looks like maybe Sabrina reverses the whip and gives Coco a good toss into the buckles. A short drop kick would follow that up perfectly or Sabrina’s awesome corner dropkick to the chest.
Sabrina is way behind on points and now the hits are starting to add up. Reversal into the Hardiac Arrest? It’s good, but I think it’s reaching a bit.
Actually following up a reverse to the buckles with a drop kick is not that reaching.
Or …you’re just too smart for your own good and figured out my elaborate and complicated way of throwing you a red herring.
I have to ask..
is it ALbone writing it or M.G.C.? lolz..
hope Sabrina win..
It IS bizzaro world isn’t it? lolz
Nice sequence boss. I like the work on Brina’s core. I’ve told her and told her she needs to work on that. But it’s “too boring” and she doesn’t need it to fly. Now she knows better.
Maybe I should show here how cute my four pack is? I think it beats Snow’s kitten belly. Don’t you? Well? Don’t you!
Thanks Champ!
The Upstart Girls are too interested in boys and chocolate chip cookie dough to spend time on abs. XD
Champ, your girl abs stand alone!!
You dodged the big blow, Sabby, but the little blows are still taking away your health and stamina bar. You need to pull off a sweet combo move soon. I recommend up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-b-a.
Trevor, that’s cheating! So expect Sun and Brooke to use the cheat code. You’re right, the little blows are starting to add up. Sabrina is tough, but she’s got her limits.
I hope Cocoa doesn’t discover the busted arm from Sabby’s battle with Chloe….
Cocoa seems to be trying to weaken Sabrina’s midsection for something. Though I think she made a mistake whipping Brina off into the ropes. Take it from another high-flier, last thing you want to do is give people like me or Brina a running start. Momentum and speed are our best friends
You two could make a good team!
Hey, you want to sketch out Brina and myself teaming out, I’m all for it
XD I think there’s a line for those that want to team with Sabrina. lol