Not bad as apologies go, but is Cocoa being sincere? Will Sabrina accept Cocoa’s apology? Should she?

Site Update!
Still putting things together here, but if you’re having trouble reading the comments, be sure to hit control-R, or clear your cache, so your browser grabs the right CSS.

Rival Angels Graphic Novel #4!
I’m so proud to announce the release of the last book of Season One, Graphic Novel #4! Own your own very piece of Rival Angels, the webcomic that’s never missed an update in 4 years and 650 updates. 😀 Personalized, one-of-a-kind sketches are available as well as the latest Sketchbook!

Voting Incentive!
And just where is this conversation going? Vote to see what Cocoa and Sabrina are up to coming this Wednesday!