It’s been a wild ride for conventions so far this year (C2E2, ACEN, Anime Milwaukee, Otakon) so I took a break from attending Wizard World Chicago, BUT I still ended up going for a day (thanks Russ!) to visit friends and check things out.
One of the things I FINALLY got to do was meet Lita! She revitalized the women’s wrestling scene when she debuted and one of the biggest influences in my starting Rival Angels. Not coincidentally, it’s the reason why Sabrina wore pants for so long! I told this to Lita and she said she’d take the heat for any eventual return to Sabrina’s pants. So there you go, take it up with her. XD
Some of the main people I was there to see was Trevor Mueller, Russell Lissau and Gabe Bautista. While I was there, Gabe hooked me up with this SWEET Ms. Marvel card! Thanks Gabe!!
I also visited with Sean of Spinnerette! Him and Sara are always so much fun to hang out with. I can’t wait for the super cool Spinnerette plushies to come out. 🙂
Afterwards, I went out to eat with my friends Beth, Russ, Sean, Sara and Trevor where martini’s were up and the olives were stuffed with blue cheese. Hell yeah, that’s how I roll. XD Even though I didn’t attend the show to sell books, I still got to enjoy one of the best parts of the show.
Not sure how I snuck this one past the Mrs. XD