Comic Creators Alliance is group of comic book creators, who have come together, volunteering their artistic talents to raise money for the purpose of ending human trafficking in the world today.
Everyone involved is donating art and once the final image is assembled, will be available as wallpaper for your computer as thanks for your kind donation for this cause. There’s some really awesome attached to this very worthwhile project.
Here is the final piece that I’ll be submitting.
Last year at this time, Lora Innes created the Comic Creators Alliance to fight the growing problem of Human Trafficking aka slavery. It’s a secret problem that most people don’t realize is going on–in the world at large and yes, here in the United States. Human Trafficking is a sanitized term that simply means slavery. UNICEF estimates there are 27 million slaves in the world today– that is more than twice the number during the entire Trans-Atlantic Slave trade in the 18th and 19th centuries. Today most of victims are young women, sold into forced prostitution.
Last year’s drive raised over 10,000 for National Human Trafficking Awareness Day! Not too shabby, but we’re hoping to do even more good this year. If you’re a creator and would like to participate this year, visit the website for details and send and email to: . If you are a comic reader, send an email to your favorite creators and ask them to participate! We’re hoping to top last year’s number of participants. Tweet about this, blog about this, write about it in forums, link to it on Facebook, let’s just get the word out!