“Maybe you and the others will slip over to the Forum side and vote in the Rumble awards. It’s in the Rival Angels Discussion area: http://rivalangels.freeforums.org/index.php”
The Champ, Brenda Rua
If you’re not familiar with the Rival Angels forum it’s a great place for readers to hangout and talk Rival Angels, wrestling, comics, art, etc. It’s also a great place to ask questions or make suggestions.
Currently, there’s discussion about the upcoming Rumble Awards, specifically, who should be in the running for Sexiest Angel. Got an opinion on who should make the cut?
There’s a few fan clubs dedicated to angels like Brenda, Krystin, and the Catgirls! Not only that, you never know who’ll pop in as Brenda Rua (The CHAMP) can be found there on a regular basis and Snow Kitten and Black Widow have made some appearances. Not to mention longtime readers like MGC, Salazen and Tarrasque can be found on the forums too.
There’s a lot of fun topics to talk about. It’s not Rival Angels all the time as we’ve also discussed other topics like pro wrestling, SHIMMER, UFC and even rugby.
Then one of my favorite sections is the Creative Works area. There’s several long (and short) running fan fictions that combine reader original characters with Rival Angels. Some stories include the entire cast of Rival Angels while some just spotlight a match or two on a single wrestler, say Sara Valentine.
Of course, the Rival Angels forums is where I like to debut new story ideas or art and sneak previews. 😉
Creating a profile is crazy easy. Just a few steps and there’s even some handy avatars available in the EXTRA area. So come by and join the discussion, especially the latest topic about the Rumble Awards.
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