Tonight at 9PM ET I’ll be a guest at TGT Webcomics. Â You can listen in live, chat and/or call in during the interview! Â Pretty cool, eh? Â Feel free to bring your Rival Angels questions. 
Here’s some information from the man himself, Kurt, as to how to participate:
As for the chat room, you can have your readers all join into the TalkShoe channel for free, but they will be labeled as Guest 1, 2, 3, etc. If they would like their names, they can sign up for TalkShoe free and create accounts and then get into the channel.
The channel itself is:
That will get them directly into the channel and they will be able to talk, ask questions and listen to the cast.
The readers can connect in one of three ways:
1) They can call in if they would like; 724-444-7444 ; CallID 22928# but they will be muted so that we can do the interview and unmuted once the round table discussion is set. Long distance charges may apply, etc
2) They can use a VOIP like Skype: (I believe is the IP address)
3) They can use their headset and mic and use the internal TalkShoe Pro and it’s free.
See you tonight!
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